Sunday, February 27, 2005

Indian Village Boy's NASA Claim Crashes to Earth

Wow, a lying indian kid. I heard the DNC's looking for a new chairman. They should look this kid up. He's a liar, and he's ethnic! Points all around!

Friday, February 25, 2005

The Truth about Jimmy Carter

I get so sick of hearing what a nice guy Jimmy Carter is. He's a dirty communist bum who hates America!!
Check out the following link:

Multibillion-Dollar Rip-off – Advance Fee Fraud

Any dumb-ass who falls for this scheme deserves to lose his money! If they've got millions of dollars, why do they need your thousands?

Hillary Rebuked by Iraqi Leader

Hillary has no decorum whatsoever. This is, no doubt, just another attempt to further her own political career by attacking the results of the election, the front-runner for prime minister that emerged out of the election, and indirectly, President Bush. It's a cynical attempt to get attention for herself and set herself up for a presidential bid in 2008. Too bad it back-fired. Turns out, Iraq isn't that far away after all, as Ibrahim Jafari was available for comment.

Canada Opts Out of U.S. Defense Shield

This is actually a pretty easy position for the snivelling canadians to take. They'll still be protected by our missile defense shield. They just won't make any of the decisions should a missile be launched at Canada. Excellent plan! Maybe we should just let one or two through!

Americans Lose $68 Billion to Illegals

So the workers in the illegal alien's country benefit from their emigration. The aliens benefit, obviously. The only one who doesn't, is everybody else who lives here. I propose a solution! Round them all up as they come in, and send them to Mars! These would be the perfect candidates to colonize Mars, just as England sent their undesirables to what is now known as the nation of Australia.

China Warns Clinton Over Taiwan Visit

The UN and the entire world community dissaprove of our actions in Iraq. They call it imperialism. And yet, none have peep to say about China's imperialist aggression.

Thursday, February 24, 2005

Reptile draws scared hippo out of his shell

Yet another example of inter-special networking. Here at The Cult of 7G, we're dedicated to diversity.

Google "library" sparks French warcry

Somehow, I doubt a french warcry would be that intimidating.

Bin Laden -- a Brand You Can Trust

Huh. He just wants to prevent the misuse of the name Bin Laden? A little late for that, don't ya think?

Please don't be alarmed by Mr. Biggins' frog-like appearance. We assure you, it's merely a skin condition. Can anyone spare some salve? Posted by Hello

Here at the Cult of 7G, we're breaking ground in inter-special networking. Posted by Hello

Here's some Jacko for ya!

How can you try Michael Jackson by a jury of his peers? What peers does this freak actually have? You'd have to enlist a cabal of the weirdest loonies from the planet Zork. The fact is, the only people weird enough to be his peers are his friends, most of whom are being called as character witnesses. It's impossible for someone like him to get a fair trial on this planet, so his defense should petition for a change of venue to say, Jupiter.

Wow, it's like Florida banning oranges.

In my opinion, the smoke-nazi wing of the left think we are the property of the state, therefore we shouldn't damage state property by smoking. While you mull this over, I'll be outside smoking. Hack, cough....