A little bit of an older story, but I must address this. First of all, I am not licensed for the state of Massachusetts when it comes to insurance, but I will give my understanding of what the current situation is. Basically, to make a long story short, right now in MA., it appears they have a deal with insurance like no other state in the union. Everyone in the state pretty much pays the same amount, no matter how good or bad your driving record is or any other underwriting factors that other states use to reward people who have a small number of claims. Socialized. Basically, all this does is make everyone pay a lot more than they should, except for the people with bad driving records, as well as only having one or two choices about which company you are going to insure with. Now they have a huge amount of people in the state complaining about it and saying it doesn't work. Now some people might call this a stretch, but healthcare would have the same effect if it worked in this way. Some people would be going to the doctor all the time, others might never go to the doctor, but we would all have to pay the same amount from our paychecks.
Now if Massachusetts hasn't figured out how to make this system work for cars, and it's one of the most liberal states in the US that could try the most outlandish things to make it work, how are we going to implement a national socialized healthcare plan? Answers? Anyone?
Friday, April 29, 2005
Thursday, April 28, 2005
Tuesday, April 26, 2005
Saddam invested one million dollars in Paul Martin-owned Cordex
Here's an interesting story from Canada Free Press. Apparently, the real reason Canadian prime minister opposed the war in Iraq was because he was also on the take. In 1997, Saddam Hussein invested a million dollars in Cordex Petroleum Inc., a company owned by Prime Minister Martin.
source: Canada Free Press
source: Canada Free Press
Illegals Go to College, Get citizenship?
Of all the stupid, asinine things I've heard, this takes the cake. These people are illegal aliens. They went to our public schools for free, then went to college. Now they're upset because they can't get jobs, as it is against the law for them to work in the United States. Now why do these people get special privilege over the other illegals, just because they're college educated? Does a college education afford you more rights than others have? Isn't that a little elitist? Now I'm not suggesting that they give them all equal amnesty. I'd like to see them all kicked out on their asses. Besides, you took advantage of our system and got yourself an education. Isn't that enough? Now you want us to give you a job? Why don't you go home and get a job? You've got a college education! That will make it easier for you to immigrate to the United States legally, through the proper channels.
source: NewsMax
source: NewsMax
The Right to Teach Bullshit
North Carolina Wesleyan University apparently has a policy allowing teachers to teach whatever mind-warping drivel they choose. In her course, "9/11; The Road to Tyranny," Professor Jane T. Christensen suggests that the terrorist attacks were carried out by the US government on behalf of pro-Israel Zionists. Apparently, there were no islamic terrorists. She believes that the terrorists that were supposedly incinerated along with the planes have been spotted alive since then. I've heard this a few other places, mostly in Yahoo message boards. Always from some angry wacked-out anarchist troll. Now my concern is not what she's saying. She has a right to say what she wants. But how can a teacher get away with filling their students heads with conspiratorial bullshit with no accountability? She's entitled to her opinion, but when she teaches her opinions as fact, it is an egregious violation of her repsponsibilities as a teacher. These claims she makes aren't even accepted by most liberals. On the one hand, you've got assholes like Noam Chomsky praising the courage and sacrifice of the hijackers, and here you've got a psycho liberal who wants to claim there are no islamic terrorists! Where do these people get these crazy ideas? Students will "never find anything that resembles the truth about 9/11 or the war in Iraq from the mainstream media," she said. In her own words, she suggested that she didn't get this information from any western news source. Who was her source? Al Jazeera? The Hezbollah website? If I were a tenured biology professor at the university in question, would I be able to teach that monkeys hatch out of eggs? After all, it is my right to say what I want!
source: NewsMax
source: NewsMax
Friday, April 22, 2005
Border-Watch Group to Stop Patrols
Some people call them racists? How are they racist? You're telling me that if they saw an arab in all those hispanics, they would have said, "OH! You're not Mexican. Go on through, friend." And the Border Patrol didn't want their help? They've already shown that they cannot do the job with the resources we have now. The ones criticizing this are complaining about not letting everyone into our country that wants to come in, terrorist or not. I'm getting tired of people not caring about how we're effected by this. The Minuteman Project hurt no one, didn't come into contact with any illegal immigrants. They reported crossings to the Border Patrol. HOW IS THAT HURTING ANYTHING?!? HOW DOES THIS KILL OUR PR WITH MEXICO. I would think Mexico would like to stop losing it's citizens.
Thursday, April 21, 2005
I don't quite know how to feel about this story. This kid got caught with a handgun in his pickup truck, parked in the school parking lot. The judge saw fit to overturn his suspension because it was his brother's and he didn't know it was in the car. That may very well be so. But how do we know? Here at the Cult of 7G, we believe in the 2nd Amendment and the right to defend one's self. We also believe that gun free zones only create a false sense of security, as criminals don't usually study up on such laws before they commit a crime. But we've got to draw the line somewhere. You can't have kids bringing guns to school. What if he stole his brother's gun and brought it there to use on a teacher or something? I just don't know. Nobody knows but the student himself. Was this a victory for the 2nd and 4th Amendments? Or will this be used to attack them in the future?
source: WLBZ2
source: WLBZ2
Social Security: Scam of the Century!
I found this social security calculator from the Heritage Foundation's website, heritage.org. I entered my age, and it estimated that I could expect to pay $388,670 in social security taxes. I can expect to receive $2,629 a month at a rate of return of -0.69%. Were I able to invest all of my social security taxes in a Personal Retirement Account, I would have a total of $1,099,351 when I retire. My monthly benefits would be $8,955. $8,955 is better than $2,629. Now, granted, they have no idea how much money I make, or how long I will work, etc. They're probably just basing that on statistical averages. But it still begs the question: Why aren't the Democrats on board for privatization when they supposedly represent the working class who is being ripped off by social security? Because they're communists. Privatization means less power and money for the state, less opportunity for them to use it to line their pockets. They don't care if we don't get a red cent of our money back.
Thursday, April 14, 2005
Rangel: Bush 'Impeachable' for Social Security 'Fraud'
"If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it." -Joseph Goebbels
I've figured out the new DNC strategy: Assert that everything your opponent does is illegal! Most democratic constituents won't bother to figure out how it's illegal. They'll just take it at face value and start repeating it. Hell, according to dems, it's illegal for Republicans to win elections! Last year, the day after Bush won re-election, I went to visit some of my hippie friends. I brought up the election and one of them said, "Yeah, I knew Bush would figure out how to steal it somehow." My reply: "You're right. We stole the election. It was a massive, right-wing conspiracy where millions of voters went to polling places and voted for him!" Apparently, Charles Rangel believes in the same strategy. Am I to believe that he is that ignorant about American governance that he thinks it's an impeachable offense to disagree with the Democratic Party on the issue of social security reform? Whenever the time comes to fix real problems like social security, Democrats revert to the same old tactic of scaring people into thinking the Republicans want to steal their social security. Sooner or later, the Democrats are going to have to stop stone-walling the issue, and come up with a counter-proposal. But they insist that there is no crisis. They were singing a different tune back in 98, when Bill Clinton, Ted Kennedy, Dick Gephardt, and Barbara Boxer were all saying, "Save Social Security First." The sad thing is, their voting constituents have such a short attention span, it doesn't even matter.
sources: Newsmax, Men's News Daily
I've figured out the new DNC strategy: Assert that everything your opponent does is illegal! Most democratic constituents won't bother to figure out how it's illegal. They'll just take it at face value and start repeating it. Hell, according to dems, it's illegal for Republicans to win elections! Last year, the day after Bush won re-election, I went to visit some of my hippie friends. I brought up the election and one of them said, "Yeah, I knew Bush would figure out how to steal it somehow." My reply: "You're right. We stole the election. It was a massive, right-wing conspiracy where millions of voters went to polling places and voted for him!" Apparently, Charles Rangel believes in the same strategy. Am I to believe that he is that ignorant about American governance that he thinks it's an impeachable offense to disagree with the Democratic Party on the issue of social security reform? Whenever the time comes to fix real problems like social security, Democrats revert to the same old tactic of scaring people into thinking the Republicans want to steal their social security. Sooner or later, the Democrats are going to have to stop stone-walling the issue, and come up with a counter-proposal. But they insist that there is no crisis. They were singing a different tune back in 98, when Bill Clinton, Ted Kennedy, Dick Gephardt, and Barbara Boxer were all saying, "Save Social Security First." The sad thing is, their voting constituents have such a short attention span, it doesn't even matter.
sources: Newsmax, Men's News Daily
Wednesday, April 13, 2005
The Real Embargo
Since we're on the subject of Cuba, here's another illuminating piece from The Real Cuba. Apparently, Castro makes his people live in squalor, and blames the American embargo. But that doesn't affect the luxury hotels and shopping malls in Havana, where regular Cubanos aren't allowed to go.
Universal Healthcare in Socialist Paradise
I was surfing around the blogosphere, looking for something to rip off, when I happened across this post at the Anti-Idiotarian Rottweiler. Next time some pinko tries to tell you how wonderful Castro's universal healthcare is, tell them to check out The Real Cuba.
Saturday, April 09, 2005
Granddaughter Yanks Grandma's Feeding Tube
Now here's a case far worse than Terri Schiavo's. Mae Magourik is not terminally ill, or in a permanent vegetative state. She expressed in a living will, on paper, that she was to be denied nourishment and medical treatment only if she was in a coma or in a vegetative state. But her granddaughter had her feeding tube yanked, without power of attorney, and against the wishes of Mae's next of kin! Apparently, this sort of thing happens all the time!
Widow's Slaying Symbolizes Grief of War
WTF!!? This woman was murdered by her father? What does that have to do with war? It's tragic that she lost her husband. One could argue, I suppose, that had her husband been there, he might have stopped her father from murdering her. But come on, people! Isn't this a bit of a stretch? People accuse republicans of politicizing the death of Terri Schiavo. And they'd probably be right. Politicians politicize things. It's what they do. The motives of politicians don't matter. Results are what matter. But back to my point, this is definitely an attempt to politicize this poor woman's death, when it's not even relevant to the war! This is not an issue of war or peace. It's an issue of domestic-violence, a very serious problem. Turning this story into an anti-war message detracts from the actual relevance it could have.
Friday, April 08, 2005
Florida's "No Retreat" Bill Ready for Gov's Signature
It's a good damn thing, too. Why should I have to retreat? Different situations call for different reactions, but I should have the option of using deadly force if my life is in danger. I don't want to get shot in the back running away! The requirement that you attempt to escape was ridiculous, anyway. How do you define an attempt to escape? Do you retreat two steps and then fire? I'm not sure how the law is in my home state of Indiana, but I'd guess we have similar rights here. We do have the right to use deadly force in defense of our property, which is much more extreme than Florida's laws. The opponents of this bill are just being ridiculous. They suggest that it will turn Florida into "the O.K. Corral." It shows very little thought on their part. This law will not grant criminals any more rights than they already have. It only pertains to self-defense. What's wrong with empowering law-abiding citizens to protect themselves? Apparently liberals view using deadly force in self-defense as murder. A crime separate from the crime the criminal committed to provoke self-defense in the first place. They believe the violent criminal should have the opportunity to be rehabilitated and become a productive member of society, even if it's at the expense of your life. After all, liberals are moral relativists. They value the lives of the innocent the same as the guilty. What confuses me most is the fact that they often lie or spin the truth to advance their cause. Take, for instance, the study conducted by doctors Arthur L Kellermann and Donald T Reay ("Protection or Peril?: An Analysis of Firearm-Related Deaths in the Home," New England Journal of Medicine, 1986.) They came up with the much touted "43-1" ratio, where they suggest you are 43 times more likely to shoot a family member than an intruder. The problem with their study: a majority of the 43 deaths to which they refer are suicides! They failed to differentiate between potential "high risk" gun owners (alcoholics, convicted criminals, etc.) and normal citizens. They also drastically under-reported the cases of self-defense. They didn't account for the murder convictions that were over-turned on the basis of self-defense, or cases of self-defense that didn't result in a homicide. If they were being dishonest, then what is their motivation to promote gun control in the first place? Why believe in it, if you can't even present honest facts to back up your claim?
Thursday, April 07, 2005
So this is supposed to be news?
For some reason, Yahoo has chosen to present this piece of crap as news instead of editorial. The title demonstrates obvious bias: "US Pursues Disruptive Anti-Abortion Agenda." In 1994, the UN held the International Conference on Population and Development in Cairo. In their "Programme of Action", they appear to call for abortion to be made a human right. You already have the right to get an abortion. But if abortion is elevated to the status of human right, as in something to which all people are equally entitled, then that would mean Medicare and Medicaid would have to pay for them. That certainly wouldn't sit well with the large group of American tax-payers who view abortion as infanticide!
Environmentalists are Stupid
Danbo posted a story yesterday about Bush's plan for a major push toward hydrogen fuel cell cars. But leave it to the enviro-loonies to find a reason to complain. A comment was posted about the story by a brave, daring individual by the moniker of 'Anonymous.' In his comment, he recommended that we read this story from motherjones.com, which is a mindless rant about Bush consulting the energy industry to provide the hydrogen. Who else is he going to consult? Ben & Jerry's Ice Cream? Apparently, hydrogen fuel cell cars aren't good enough until we change our whole energy infrastructure to wind and solar energy. Both renewable resources are less efficient than gas or coal power plants. And wind energy can actually be more damaging to the environment! To give them what they want would push back the time-table for the release of fuel cell cars by decades! Not to mention the fact that we'd have so many freaking wind-mills and solar panels, we wouldn't have room for anything else! The following is Danbo's response to all this foolishnes:
Danbo Jones said...
First thing, the post comment I had was mostly a joke. Second, I read the article supplied by you, Chach. Here's the thing, though. They are talking about hydrogen that's produced by oil, gas, and nuclear power plants like they shouldn't be used. This hydrogen is a by-product of the power making process and is already produced. Secondly, from what I've found, fossil fuel and nuclear based power plants produce more hydrogen than renewable power sources, just like they produce more power. There would be no extra pollution from power companies helping out from what I can gather. Also, knowing from other posts I have put up, I don't always support the gov't footing the bill for everything that is done in this country. I don't find that oil companies funding reseach for this alternate energy source as a problem, as the author of this article so puts it. Finally, check out the article that Chauncy put up on 03/29 and see the nonsense that most renewable power is. With less cars on the road spewing CO into the air and more leaking a little water now and then, I don't see how this woman can argue with this.... Was that article written by a woman?
7:13 AM
Danbo Jones said...
First thing, the post comment I had was mostly a joke. Second, I read the article supplied by you, Chach. Here's the thing, though. They are talking about hydrogen that's produced by oil, gas, and nuclear power plants like they shouldn't be used. This hydrogen is a by-product of the power making process and is already produced. Secondly, from what I've found, fossil fuel and nuclear based power plants produce more hydrogen than renewable power sources, just like they produce more power. There would be no extra pollution from power companies helping out from what I can gather. Also, knowing from other posts I have put up, I don't always support the gov't footing the bill for everything that is done in this country. I don't find that oil companies funding reseach for this alternate energy source as a problem, as the author of this article so puts it. Finally, check out the article that Chauncy put up on 03/29 and see the nonsense that most renewable power is. With less cars on the road spewing CO into the air and more leaking a little water now and then, I don't see how this woman can argue with this.... Was that article written by a woman?
7:13 AM
Wednesday, April 06, 2005
Ignoring Illegal Immigration
You just have to read this. There are several major cities in the US that are "sanctuary cities" for illegal aliens. If police discover their illegal status, they are forbidden to report it to immigration authorities. In some cases it's police policy. In other cases it's in the city ordinances. In all cases, it's illegal.
Automakers, U.S. to Develop Fuel Cell Cars
Wait a minute, WAIT! Isn't President Bush supposed to be against this kind of thing? Aren't his 'oil buddies' going to be pissed? How is he going to get all of his kickbacks for doing this?
Tuesday, April 05, 2005
Law Expands Right to Kill in Self-Defense
Now this ticks me off! Not the law, but the fact that Reuters put this in their "Oddly Enough" section. Obviously, the Krauts at Reuters have no understanding of the mentality of their American customers. They have taken no effort to evaluate the mindset, interests, and beliefs of their audience here. They demonstrate their sneering contempt for our society by relegating a complex American political issue to the circus side-show, where they report on such important issues as rugby fans cutting off their own genitals. As for the law itself, the Cult of 7G couldn't be more pleased. It's ridiculous that they had to pass this law in the first place. A person should have the right to use deadly force in public if they feel their life is threatened. I have the right to not get shot in the back running away from a confrontation. The reason liberals have trouble grasping this issue is because they don't believe in individual rights. And they're yellow-bellied cowards too. Can't forget that.
Monday, April 04, 2005
CodeBlueBlog Issues $100,000 Challenge to Terri Schiavo Neurologist Experts
No doubt, you've heard the "expert" opinions of countless neurologists on the Terri Schiavo CT-scan, all concluding that she was in a permanent vegetative state. Now hear the opinion of a radiologist, someone who actually interprets CT-scans. Also, check out his $100,000 challenge to neurologists.
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