Thursday, December 14, 2006
Jimmy Carter: Anti-Semite
Carter: "I don't want to see Apartheid, but in Palestinian territory there's horrible persecution of the Palestinians who live on their own land. They have occupied the land, they have confiscated, they've colonized it and they've forced Palestinians away from their homes, away from their pastures, away from their fields, cut down their olive trees and severely persecuted the Palestinians."
Why is this man given any type of credit about ANYTHING! He was one of the most worthless presidents in this great country's history. In some people's interpretation, my own included, Jimmy Carter started all the problems that we have in the middle-east right now. That's more than likely the reason he's attacking Israel. He doesn't want his own Iran debacle to be passed around again and ruin his legacy, so he is tranferring blame.
Some more. This is with Tim Russert when asked about the Jewish lobby.
Russert: "There's no doubt there's a stronger adversion to criticizing Israel in this country. I wouldn't say it's all because of intimidation, but that's one factor."
Carter: "It's almost completely unacceptable in this country for any public official to criticize the policies of Israel, even if they are horribly abusive against the Palestinians. (Unintelligible). The Jewish lobby may be part of it."
Go back to building houses or pickin peanuts, Carter. Hopefully, the United States won't stand for such anti-semetism or racism of any sort. But he will probably be forgiven. Well, he already has. Not many media outlets are even taking issue with the facts of his book, just the "hard hitting issues that people don't want to talk about".
Friday, December 08, 2006
Iraq Study Group: "Unity More Important Than Victory"
Sorry I have to cite the USIP for this, but oh well.
Just wanted to bring up some points on this. They have already been touched on by others, but I really want to repeat them because it's entertaining.
Quote from page 32: "Externally, the United States should immediately begin to employ all elements of American power to construct a regional mechanism that can support, rather than retard, progress in Iraq."
All elements of American power. This is what I love about these appointed commissions. They're supposed to help the problem by coming up with complicated solutions us simpletons wouldn't be able to figure out on our own because they are smarter than us. Then what do they do? They state something and don't have to have any explaination or actual plan. They just have to say "All elements of American power." The people writing this don't even understand what that means. More quotes to prove my point.
Quote from the same page, next section, talking about Iran and Syria helping us out:
"This support structure should include every country that has an interest in averting a chaotic Iraq, including all of Iraq's neighbors-Iran and Syria among them."
Now, anyone with a brain cell in their skull knows that a stable Iraq is NOT in Iran or Syria's interest. The opposite is true. Why would they be funding rogue militias and Islamic militants and terrorists if they were interested in a unified Iraq. They don't want a unified Iraq. THEY WANT IRAQ!
Quote from recommendation 5 on page 36, talking about the Iraq Support Group:
"The Support Group should consist of Iraq and all the states bordering Iraq, including Iran and Syria; the key regional states, including Egypt and the Gulf States; the five permanent members of the UN Security Council; the EU; and, of course, Iraq itself."
Now, what is the first thing they say. Now look at the last thing they say. Idiots. The lot of them. They had over 6 months to write this report. This is supposed to be guiding our congress and president to be "more intelligent" about Iraq.
Quote from recommendation 19:
"The President and the leadership of his national security team should remain in close and frequent contact with the Iraqi leadership."
I would type that again if this post wasn't already so long. The stupidity contained in the last two statements is embarrassingly obvious and makes it harder and harder to dig through this thing, but over the next few days, I will hopefully have some more stuff for ya.
NEWS ALERT! Muslim Boy Urinates on Bible! Peace Ensues!
Jimmy Carter's New Book Hits Some Flak
Former President Jimmy Carter: Terrorist lover and evil, or just plain stupid?
The funniest part of this story is how he doesn't EVER defend his book by saying it states facts. The facts are what are called into question, along with proper use of maps and citing sources. If you read the article, it clearly shows what "President" Carter has made clear over the last 15 to 20 years:
He doesn't care about the facts.
He cares about despots.
He cares about tyrants.
He cares about murderers.
He cares not for the Israeli state.
He cares, probably, only about himself and his legacy. Much like "President" Clinton.
Another Response to the 9/11 Conspiracy Nut
"I presume he's talking about the pancaking theory that is used to explain the collapse of the tower. The question is how could it fall at free-fall speed if it had resistance on the way down. No science. According to conspiracy theorists the collapse took 7 seconds, with constant acceleration close to gravitional. Seismic evidence and videos of the roof of the building show the collapse took 37 seconds; conspiracy theorists base their assumptions on video footage that shows only the collapse of the outer wall."
Friday, December 01, 2006
Old News, but Still Relevant
Isn't it funny how, statistically, you are more likely in the US to be killed in a car wreck than a soldier in Iraq being killed by a IED. In my state of Indiana alone in 1999 and 2000 there were 1,895 fatalities from car accidents.(
In some areas of our country with the land area of Iraq, I've heard that drunk drivers kill more people than this Iraq insurgency.
Or the fact that, just in California, six more murders, 27 rapes, 38 arsons, 180 robberies, and 360 instances of assault in California — yesterday, today, tomorrow, and every day. (
Just since the war started in 2001, there have been over 10,000 murders, almost 40,000 rapes (actually down quite a bit from the 90s), so on and so forth, just in CALIFORNIA! Also, let us not speak of the prison conditions in CA either. We pay $7 billion to keep our prisoners in CA a YEAR! Also, over 3 million foreigners who snuck in illegally now live in CA, and that's with just ONE BORDER! Also, there are about 15,000 convicted alien felons incarcerated in our penal system, costing about $500 million a year.
We need to pull out of California, America! Let the Californians deal with their own problems! Let us hand control over to them. Or at LEAST give them a deadline for withdrawl.
Or get President Bush to give us a plan!
If you can't tell, I'm being sarcastic....
Sunday, November 19, 2006
Yahoo News: The drive-by media
Wednesday, November 15, 2006
Home of the Gutless
"Whatever it started out as, Iraq is a test of American seriousness. And, if the Great Satan can't win in Vietnam or Iraq, where can it win? That's how China, Russia, Iran, North Korea, Sudan, Venezuela and a whole lot of others look at it.
"These Colors Don't Run" is a fine T-shirt slogan, but in reality these colors have spent 40 years running from the jungles of Southeast Asia, the helicopters in the Persian desert, the streets of Mogadishu. ... To add the sands of Mesopotamia to the list will be an act of weakness from which America will never recover."
He's right. When we pull out of Iraq, all that paper tiger rhetoric will be proven to be true. These are sad times we're living in.
Posted by JEFF to Cult of 7G at 11/14/2006 09:47:02 PM
To which I replied:
I presume you're actually referring to Tower 7. That was the one that collapsed. Idiot.
Tell me, in your expert opinion, what's the difference between "free fall speed" and normal building collapse speed? I always heard that if you dropped a bowling ball and a paperclip at the same time, they'd both fall at the same rate. Elementary physics, really. You might look it up before you make an ass of yourself again. The steel didn't all melt, retard. Some of the support structures could no longer bear the weight and the building collapsed. You don't have to melt all the steel in a building to make it fall down, idiot.
I'll reiterate for any slow people that may be reading this:
Tuesday, August 29, 2006
More Bullshit
Here's the headline for an AP story written by Mira Oberman as it appears in Yahoo News today:
Race relations still tense a year after Katrina
Not exactly a smoking gun yet. Anybody with half a brain knows that race relations are somewhat tense in this country. Let us read on:
Images of seas of black faces begging for help that took days to arrive, and stories of sheriffs from adjacent white suburbs turning desperate evacuees away at gunpoint as they tried to flee New Orleans, horrified the nation.
But for many who grew up in a city that had hosted the slave trade and clung to segregation, the initial shock was transformed into fury that their deepest fears and suspicions were true: the government does not care about black people.
Whoa. Now wait just a damn minute. Sure, the systemic racism of Louisiana politics is well known and documented. But she's not talking about the government of Louisiana. She's just indicting "the government." Imagine what Mira Oberman's editors would have said if she wrote "Louisiana's Democratic Governor, Kathleen Blanco doesn't care about black people." The article goes on to outline the dismal conditions of New Orleans and the bungling of the reconstruction, but at no point does it mention the party affiliation of the governor or mayor presiding over the situation. Had they been republicans, we'd be reminded of it over and over again.
Thursday, August 03, 2006
Ahmadenijad: Not that bright.
Diplomatic language from the cheeky Iranian President:
Mahmoud Ahmadenijad: "Although the main solution is for the elimination of the Zionist regime, at this stage an immediate cease-fire must be implemented."
Did you get that? An immediate ceasefire between Israel and Lebanon must be implemented, but the only way to achieve a peaceful outcome is for Israel to be destroyed. Sounds reasonable enough. I suppose we could call it the 2006 Roadmap to Peace! Israel may take issue with it, but I'm sure it will get ringing endorsement from the UN. But then again, it seems that that's been their official policy for some time now. Sit back and watch while terrorists attack Israel. Then when Israel fights back, condemn them for their disproportionate response.
What Mahmoud the grinning jackass doesn't seem to realize is that Israel has the most powerful military in the middle east. Some camel humpers with rockets killing a handfew of people here and there hardly matches the military might of the Israelis. I predict that this will continue to be a one-sided conflict until Lebanon and Hezbollah either give in to Israel's demands, or quite frankly die. And I have no sympathy for the Lebanese government, because they got themselves into this mess.
Wednesday, May 03, 2006
Sunday, April 30, 2006
The 9/11 Untruth
I signed up for a myspace account just so I could keep in contact with some of my friends around the country. I found this political group as one of the forums on this site:
9/11 Truth
I read most of the articles that were feature on this site. Now, I could understand most of the points they make if I was thinking with the logic of an eight year old.
These people are throwing around so many half-truths and theories they are calling proof that the current administation planned and carried out the 9/11 attacks that most of the people who read or call themselves members of this group can't even follow it. They probably say to themselves, "Well, if it's that complicated, it MUST be true!" They even site the wrong information on steel, one of the biggest arguements for their view. Also, if they looked at the engineering of this particular building, they could easily see the problems with their points. One fellow points out:
Quote from Popular Mechanics:
"CLAIM: "We have been lied to," announces the Web site "The first lie was that the load of fuel from the aircraft was the cause of structural failure. No kerosene fire can burn hot enough to melt steel." The posting is entitled "Proof Of Controlled Demolition At The WTC."
FACT: Jet fuel burns at 800° to 1500°F, not hot enough to melt steel (2750°F). However, experts agree that for the towers to collapse, their steel frames didn't need to melt, they just had to lose some of their structural strength--and that required exposure to much less heat. "I have never seen melted steel in a building fire," says retired New York deputy fire chief Vincent Dunn, author of The Collapse Of Burning Buildings: A Guide To Fireground Safety. "But I've seen a lot of twisted, warped, bent and sagging steel."
End quote.
Now, I invite ANYONE to just go ahead, get on a search engine, and find what the melting point of steel is because 2750 is the melting point for iron, steel is more around 2500, depending on how much iron is involved in making this fine alloy, and if jet fuel burns NORMALLY at 800 to 1500 F (a HUGE variance in tempurature anyway), what would the tempurature of an explosion of 10,000 gallons of jet fuel get up to?
Next is one of "their" responses:
"Steel is an excellent conductor of heat, so when you apply heat to a steel structure the heat spreads quickly. So the heat from the fires would have spread through the entire steel structure of each tower. The Twin Towers contained 200,000 tons of steel. Are we expected to believe that the fires from two loads of jet fuel provided sufficient heat to raise 200,000 tons of steel to the point where it became critically weak?"
So what these treasonous liars are saying here is that since heat spreads through steel quickly, it speads through all steel that is touching or connected in any way and must spread evenly throughout before the warping of such steel starts. Quite a reach, my dim-witted friends. Also, they state that no other steel supported building has ever fallen down because of a fire. This wasn't a fire, this was an EXPLOSION that took out the fireproofing with the blast. Smoldering fires themselves cannot do this, thus cannot be compaired fully to this situation.
Another quote, and I was laughing so HARD by the end of this.
Read through Reply to Popular Mechanics re 9/11: Claim #6. Then go to the top and read it all. Then follow the links to other articles on this website showing that the official story is bogus. Then follow the links to the many other websites which demonstrate that 9/11 was an inside job. Too busy? Oh, well, then, if you don't care to know what really happened on 9/11 ... End quote.
I read it. Only helped to nullify their own arguements. These people put links up on their site to prove their point, and they don't even read the entire story. They, as typical empty-headed idiotarians, read the first paragraph and say to themselves, "Aw Naw! I just cracked Bush's code! I'm going to have to tell this to the other guys at the "Food Not Bombs" meeting! They ain't gonna believe this!" Take another hit off the pipe and keep living in your own world, you jackasses, and stop messing with mine!
These people go on to compare President Bush with Hitler in many ways. They show their agenda through the entire page, but under the guise of "Wanting only the truth". They already have their truth. They say President Bush did it. This is their religion that this aethist idiot has drawn people into. Oh oh, one more quote and I'll be done. This is an example of their pursuit of the "Truth". I was reading through a few of the link texts they had published on their site and this message came up in part of it.
Be aware, there are two theories about the Pentagon
The 'missle' theory, and the 757--"Official" theory.
In actuality, neither has enough evidence to fully support it.
We can never know until they release the video footage
Pentagon Analysis
Supposed 'plane' video = Is this a 757?
Possibly a plane
End quote.
They just said, right there, plain as day they are not interested in the truth. It doesn't matter what proof or evidence you could ever show them, they would never believe you. These people have such a hatred for our own country that they cannot bring themselves to look at the FACTS. Oh, no. You can't be bothered to follow such trivial things like FACTS! I could get a TIME MACHINE, take them back to 9/11, and show them FIRST HAND that terrorists blew up the WTC, they'd fall to the ground, kicking and flailing their arms, screaming, "NO! BUSH DID IT! BUSH DID IT! NO WMDS!!!!!" They call us ignorant and stupid for having the wool pulled over OUR eyes. They are condescending assholes who have no knowledge of the past 50 years of international politics, no knowledge of American politics in the past or present, and no knowledge of how to use deductive reasoning to come to conclusions. They have to listen to everyone else who carries around a piece of poorly printed and poorly spelled ANSWER propaganda and has at least 15 objects made of hemp hanging from their flea infested sacs they call necks because they are the 'enlightened' ones.
Final thing, I swear. This one's really good. Ok, here's a picture showing the impact site on the Pentagon where flight 77 hit. This was taken on Sept. 14th, 2001.

Now here is the picture they have up on their website.

Now, I have no idea what the date was when this picture was taken or what the sudden color distortion is (it certainly is NOT smoke), but I can easily guess this picture was changed in multiple ways. I mean, LOOK AT IT! They must think we're complete morons. (Or at least the 15,000 people who are members of this group)
Also, if you go to the website here you can also see a picture where they superimposed a picture of the supposed plane, and it's point is to debunk the hole in the Pentagon. They couldn't even keep the line straight with the fuselage. HILARIOUS!
If anyone is truely concerned about knowing what happened that day, it's all right here and not that hard to understand. This was probably the longest post I've ever had on here, but I didn't even scratch the surface with these guys. I could have a weekly update where I find something else they're lying about and put up the evidence right here. We'll have to see.
Tuesday, April 25, 2006
Wednesday, April 05, 2006
Another Example of Capitalism V. Communism
What China's really worried about is having people call THEIR citizens and not being able to listen in.
Friday, March 17, 2006
Happy St. Patrick's Day!!!
"Hallo, Mr. Chirac!" a heavily accented voice said."This is Paddy Down at the Harp Pub in County Clare, Ireland. I am ringin to inform you that we are officially declaring war on you!"
"Well, Paddy," Chirac replied, "This is indeed important news! How big is your army?"
Right now," says Paddy, after a moment's calculation,"there is myself, me Cousin Sean, me next door neighbor Seamus, and the entire darts team from the pub. That makes eight!"
Chirac paused. "I must tell you, Paddy, that I have 100,000 men in my army waiting to move on my command."
"Begoora!" says Paddy. "I'll have to ring you back." Sure enough, the next day, Paddy calls again.
"Mr. Chirac, the war is still on. We have managed to get us some infantry equipment!"
"And what equipment would that be Paddy?" Chirac asks.
"Well, we have two combines, a bulldozer, and Murphy's farm tractor. "
Chirac sighs, amused; "I must tell you, Paddy, thatI have 6,000 tanks and 5,000 armored personnel carriers. Also, I have increased my army to 150,000 since we last spoke."
"Saints preserve us!" says Paddy. "I'll have to get back to you." Sure enough, Paddy rings again the next day.
"Mr. Chirac, the war is still on! We have managed to get ourselves airborne! We have modified Jackie McLaughlin's ultra-light with a couple of shotguns in the cockpit, and four boys from the Shamrock Bar have joined us as well!"
Chirac was silent for a minute and then cleared ! his throat. "I must tell you, Paddy, that I have 100 bombers and 200 fighter planes. My military bases are surrounded by laser-guided, surface-to-air missile sites. And since we last spoke, I have increased my army to 200,000!"
"Jesus, Mary, and Joseph!" says Paddy, "I will have to ring you back." Sure enough, Paddy calls again the next day. "Top o' the mornin', Mr. Chirac! I am sorry to inform you that we have had to call off the war."
"Really? I am sorry to hear that," says Chirac. "Why the sudden change of heart?"
"Well," says Paddy, "we had a long chat over a few pints of Guinness, and decided there is no fookin' waywe can feed 200,000 FRENCH prisoners."
Wednesday, February 01, 2006
Here Is the Economic Doom the Media Has Talked About
4.5 million more Americans are working today than in May of 2003, before the Bush tax cuts reports The Journal.
The economy has generated $750 billion in new personal income in the past 17 months, according to The Wall Street Journal.
3.5 to 4.0 percent rate of growth in 2005, twice as much as Europe even with gas prices, war, Federal Reserve interest rate increases, and hurricane Katrina.
Economic growth in the third quarter was 4.1 percent. That is the 10th consecutive quarter with growth over 3 percent. Not in the past 30 years have we done better.
The DOW is holding at about 11,000, nearing its all-time high of 11,750 set on Jan. 14 2000.
GOVERNMENT REVENUES GROW! The deficit decreased by $96 billion from 2004 to 2005 and the 2005 deficit was just at 2.6 percent of the Gross Domestic Product, compared to 5.1 percent in '85 according to The Chicago-Sun Times.
The US Dollar is up 10 percent versus the Euro in the past eight months.
2005 American household net worth is at $51 trillion according to the Federal Reserve. That looks like it's doubled from '95.
The Labor Department reports that in 2001 - 2005, we saw the best rate of labor productivity over any 4-year period since they started measuring it.
HAHAHA! Well, I guess we seem to be right so far, as usual. Other media orgs are publishing some of these statistics as well, but each will say that the DOW isn't an accurate portrayal of the economy (which it is), or that just because we're doing well now doesn't mean we will in the future (yeah, if we elect more dems in office), or that the tax cut just hasn't destroyed America yet (which it never will).
Listen to me. Ever since the tax cut has been passed, libs have been SCREAMING about deficits, the economy crashing and some sort of recession we're in, how we aren't performing well in the world's economy.
Check it out for yourself. We're right. They're dead wrong.