Saturday, April 09, 2005

Granddaughter Yanks Grandma's Feeding Tube

Now here's a case far worse than Terri Schiavo's. Mae Magourik is not terminally ill, or in a permanent vegetative state. She expressed in a living will, on paper, that she was to be denied nourishment and medical treatment only if she was in a coma or in a vegetative state. But her granddaughter had her feeding tube yanked, without power of attorney, and against the wishes of Mae's next of kin! Apparently, this sort of thing happens all the time!


Anonymous said...

You know this crap is absolutely sickening. Okay, I honestly believe in a person's right to die, and all, but this is not this woman's wishes. This is horrible, the hospital and hospice people should have done their homework on who the next-of-kin was. I smell a major lawsuit just because someone was too lazy to question a woman's word. Pathetic.

Anonymous said...

I''m familiar with this subject too

Chauncy Biggins said...

What do you mean, Ashley?