Thursday, April 21, 2005


I don't quite know how to feel about this story. This kid got caught with a handgun in his pickup truck, parked in the school parking lot. The judge saw fit to overturn his suspension because it was his brother's and he didn't know it was in the car. That may very well be so. But how do we know? Here at the Cult of 7G, we believe in the 2nd Amendment and the right to defend one's self. We also believe that gun free zones only create a false sense of security, as criminals don't usually study up on such laws before they commit a crime. But we've got to draw the line somewhere. You can't have kids bringing guns to school. What if he stole his brother's gun and brought it there to use on a teacher or something? I just don't know. Nobody knows but the student himself. Was this a victory for the 2nd and 4th Amendments? Or will this be used to attack them in the future?

source: WLBZ2

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