In a 60 Minutes interview with Leslie Stahl that will air Sunday night, Jane Fonda made a lame attempt at an apology for her actions during the Vietnam War.
Fonda: "The image of Jane Fonda, 'Barbarella,' Henry Fonda's daughter ... sitting on an enemy aircraft gun was a betrayal ... the largest lapse of judgment that I can even imagine."
It was looking like she might actually recognize that she was a traitor and that she had picked the wrong side. But no, she's still a filthy communist:
Fonda: "Our government was lying to us and men were dying because of it, and I felt I had to do anything that I could to expose the lies and help end the war."
So Jane's sorry about that little photo-op tarnishing her image, but she's not sorry about aiding and abetting our enemies in a time of war. I say we treat her like Vietnam treats political dissidents.
Thursday, March 31, 2005
Mexican Military on Standby in Response to Minutemen
So Vincente Fox thinks we don't have a right to peacefully patrol our own border and aid in the enforcement of our own laws. This is getting intolerable. A full-scale invasion is taking place on our southern border. Both our President, and Vincente Fox have no respect for our nation's immigration law, and no intention to enforce it. Mexico is now using the threat of military force against a group of private U.S. citizens who only want to report criminals to the authorities! How will Bush respond to this posturing of mexican troops on our border? Let's dispense with the PC bullshit and call it like it is. We cannot allow our country to be swamped with foreign nationals. It takes at least a generation to assimilate immigrants. If we're not careful, Americans who respect our government and our ideals will be in the minority. We'll have a super-majority of foreigners who don't speak the language, and who don't necessarily understand what our founding principles are. I'm sure this is why Democrats do everything in their power to ensure that illegals can vote. Apparently, they don't have enough popular support for the glorious communist revolution among our nation's electorate. So they're changing the electorate!
Cochran Dead at 67
I do need to post something on this subject here because this is news. For my OP/ED, I would like to say, even though he might not have had the best clients in most people's opinion, he did his job extremely well. Probably one of the best lawyers of our time, he could invoke emotion so well to win his cases. He defended his side religiously, and I hope that if I ever get charged with a huge crime that I had no connection to that I would have someone with half of his talent.
Wednesday, March 30, 2005
Gunmen Fire at Abbas' Headquarters
Look at this. The Palestinians own prime minister isn't even safe from his own 'political' group. How are they supposed to be an independant nation. I never understood this. They have no gross domestic product, they have extremely high unemployment, but they do have terrorists.
Stocks Hold Steady, Despite Gas Prices, Inflation Fears
Hell yeah. Doesn't anyone remember how low this went after 9/11, or while President Clinton was getting out of the White House? This is great. Also, the NASDAQ exchange that was at 1200 is over 2000 once again. Let's keep it going. Anyone who can, get out there and invest! BUY BUY BUY!
Poll: No Nation Should Have Nuke Weapons
I don't argue that this wouldn't be nice. It would be a liberal's dream. Wars would be determined with millions of people fighting and dying on the battlefield once again, and I guess that's what liberals want. But sorry, pollsters. We live in the real world, and if we didn't have nukes, we wouldn't be the #1 superpower for long, for someone would be bound to use them on us. Who did they poll anyway?!?
Iraq Safer than D.C.?
Here's an interesting little tid-bit from the people at GUNED (Guns Unified Nationally Endorsing Dignity)
GUNED: "According to there have been 88 hostile fire deaths caused by firearms since the beginning of hostilities in Iraq. The remainder of coalition deaths have been due to explosives or accidents. What does this mean?
If you consider that there have been an average of 160,000 troops in theater during the last 22 months, that gives a firearm death rate of 55 per 100,000. The firearm death rate in Washington DC is 80.6 per 100,000.
This means that you are more likely to be shot and killed in our Nation's Capitol than you are in Iraq! The conclusion? Under the logic of the heathen left, we should immediately pull out of Washington DC!"
GUNED: "According to there have been 88 hostile fire deaths caused by firearms since the beginning of hostilities in Iraq. The remainder of coalition deaths have been due to explosives or accidents. What does this mean?
If you consider that there have been an average of 160,000 troops in theater during the last 22 months, that gives a firearm death rate of 55 per 100,000. The firearm death rate in Washington DC is 80.6 per 100,000.
This means that you are more likely to be shot and killed in our Nation's Capitol than you are in Iraq! The conclusion? Under the logic of the heathen left, we should immediately pull out of Washington DC!"
Jewish Settlers Urged to Give Up Weapons
Okay, if I lived in a place where the average palestinian 12-year-old poses with an AK-47 in his school yearbook, I wouldn't be too keen on giving up my arms!
Tuesday, March 29, 2005
Support ANWR drilling – Save wildlife habitats
Environmentalists are retarded. Here's an editorial by Paul Driessen that elaborates that point. Most astonishing to me is the idea that wind power is more destructive to the environment than gas power.
Driessen: "On ecological grounds, wind power fails even more miserably.
A single 555-megawatt gas-fired power plant on 15 acres generates more electricity each year than do all 13,000 of California’s wind turbines – which dominate 106,000 acres of once-scenic hill country. They kill some 10,000 eagles, hawks, other birds and bats every year.
On West Virginia’s Backbone Mountain, 44 turbines killed numerous birds and 2,000 bats in 2003 – and promoters want many more towers along this major migratory route over the Allegheny Front. Bat Conservation International and local politicians are livid.
In Wisconsin, anti-oil groups support building 133 gigantic Cuisinarts on 32,000 acres (16 times the ANWR operations area) near Horicon Marsh. This magnificent wetland is home to millions of geese, ducks and other migratory birds, and just miles from an abandoned mine that houses 140,000 bats. At 390 feet in height, the turbines tower over the Statue of Liberty (305 feet), US capitol (287 feet) and Arctic oil production facilities (50 feet).
All these turbines would produce about as much power as Fairfax County, Virginia gets from one facility that burns garbage to generate electricity. But they’d likely crank out an amazing amount of goose liver paté."
Driessen: "On ecological grounds, wind power fails even more miserably.
A single 555-megawatt gas-fired power plant on 15 acres generates more electricity each year than do all 13,000 of California’s wind turbines – which dominate 106,000 acres of once-scenic hill country. They kill some 10,000 eagles, hawks, other birds and bats every year.
On West Virginia’s Backbone Mountain, 44 turbines killed numerous birds and 2,000 bats in 2003 – and promoters want many more towers along this major migratory route over the Allegheny Front. Bat Conservation International and local politicians are livid.
In Wisconsin, anti-oil groups support building 133 gigantic Cuisinarts on 32,000 acres (16 times the ANWR operations area) near Horicon Marsh. This magnificent wetland is home to millions of geese, ducks and other migratory birds, and just miles from an abandoned mine that houses 140,000 bats. At 390 feet in height, the turbines tower over the Statue of Liberty (305 feet), US capitol (287 feet) and Arctic oil production facilities (50 feet).
All these turbines would produce about as much power as Fairfax County, Virginia gets from one facility that burns garbage to generate electricity. But they’d likely crank out an amazing amount of goose liver paté."
Study Confirms College Profs Are Left-Wing
As if this is news! What stood out in my mind was the finding that 65% want the government to ensure full employment. That's communism, my friends. A majority of our college professors are communists.
Sunday, March 27, 2005
Happy Easter from the Cult of 7G
Today, we must remember the real meaning of Easter. Based in it's pagan roots, celebrate the rebirth of the life and FORNICATE LIKE RABBITS!
Friday, March 25, 2005
Bush Sucks on Immigration!!
This really burns my ass. President Bush actually said he wants to tell Congress to loosen immigration law! How could we possibly make it any easier? Send them plane tickets? It's obvious what's going on here. The Republicans like the illegal immigrants for the cheap labor. The Democrats like them for their votes. None of them really cares about us or our country, which they're giving away. Here's a scathing critique of Bush's immigration policy from the Anti-Idiotarian Rottweiler.
Update on Matthew Good's "10 Questions"
It appears that due to the deluge of comments and emails that he received, Matthew Good has chosen to remove his post, 'Hello America, How are you?,' in which he showed his xenophobic beliefs about the US. As a result, I've decided to remove my post related to his. Instead, check out an excellent rebuttal by Karol of Alarming News. She covers the whole thing quite well.
Assassination, Attacks Overshadow Iraq Political Talks
How the hell do these journalists get these statements from Al Qaeda? I have to know! Do they have their own website? Do they stage press releases? Or do these media outfits know where to find them? Are there one-on-one interviews? It just really angers me that these people get more of a voice in our media than we do, and they're fugitives! The media never questions the accounts given by terrorists. But they sure as hell consider our side of the story to be suspect!
Thursday, March 24, 2005
Canadians Face Long Waits for Health Care
Now for some reason, I feel like picking on Canada. Here's a story about how Canada's glorious universal healthcare ain't all it's cracked up to be. In America, some poor people might have to file bankruptcy or apply for financial aid to pay for emergency medical expenses. But at least they won't have to go on a waiting list for a freaking MRI. They'll be broke, but they'll be alive!!
Jerry Springer Joins Air America
Birds of a Feather...
It seems Air America is drawing all like-minded scumbags into the fold. Jerry Springer is a pimp who exploits humanity to turn a profit. He puts hapless simpletons on the air and lets the audience hurl insults at them, a sad parody of the self-help talk show. We get to watch the very least of us air their grievances and drag out their dirty laundry so we can watch and feel superior. And now, Jerry's in good company. He gets to join the circus side-show known as Air America, the radio station that is the official voice of anti-americanism and immorality. Jerry Springer, while a member of the Cincinnati City Council, bounced a personal check to a prostitute. This must make him look like an elder-statesman to the likes of Al Franken and Janeane Garofalo.
It seems Air America is drawing all like-minded scumbags into the fold. Jerry Springer is a pimp who exploits humanity to turn a profit. He puts hapless simpletons on the air and lets the audience hurl insults at them, a sad parody of the self-help talk show. We get to watch the very least of us air their grievances and drag out their dirty laundry so we can watch and feel superior. And now, Jerry's in good company. He gets to join the circus side-show known as Air America, the radio station that is the official voice of anti-americanism and immorality. Jerry Springer, while a member of the Cincinnati City Council, bounced a personal check to a prostitute. This must make him look like an elder-statesman to the likes of Al Franken and Janeane Garofalo.
Wednesday, March 23, 2005
Author: Hollywood's Castro Collaborators Revealed
My god! Where's Joseph McCarthy when you need him? I guess Humberto Fontova will do.
No bull: animal rights group to stage 'running of the nudes'
I always figured PETA would like the running of the bulls. It's a bunch of bulls chasing a bunch of scared humans. I think they should change the event to "Chasing of the PETA activists." We'll strip them down nude and paint them red. Tie weights to their legs. That way, they can FEEL the justice as they are ripped to shreds by angry bovines.
France Challenges United States on Sudan Trials
This is just France's attempt to cut us out of the process, since we aren't members of the ICC. I'm sure there's no other reason behind it, other than a big FU to the United States. It may get serious. They may try to use this court to try our officials for whatever they deem to be war crimes or human rights violations. And most of these member-states have a different idea of human rights than we do. Maybe China will file a complaint that we aren't providing for our citizens' "right" to free housing and income equality. We won't bother to show up for court, but then the UN will put sanctions on us. What then? If I was in charge, we'd cut them off completely. Shut down their NY headquarters and send them packing.
Social Security Insolvent by 2041, Trustees Say
Sooner or later, the Democrats are going to have to do something other than attacking republican proposals. Why won't they come up with their own plan to fix social security? Because the only way they know how is to raise taxes. What I love is how the Democrats talk about how much the privatization plan will cost. We're talking about privatization! Of course the program will have less money! That's the whole bloody point! If you're looking for a laugh, see the DNC's line on social security here. All criticism, no plan of their own.
Iraq Says 85 Militants Killed at Rebel Base
Look at this headline. "Iraq Says 85 MIlitants Killed at Rebel Base." The only time they ever question a body count is when it comes from our side. If it was 85 Iraqi civilians killed by coalition bombers, and the source was some militant leader with a scarf over his face, the headline would read something like, "At Least 85 Iraqi Civilians Killed by Coalition Bombers."
Tuesday, March 22, 2005
Lautenberg Introduces Assault Weapons Ban and Law Enforcement Protection Act
Senator Lautenberg said:
"Innocent lives, including law enforcement officials, are at risk and we need to pass this legislation now. Gun laws should be there to protect the innocent; not help criminals and terrorists"
Chauncy Biggins says:
To make a gun illegal, only limits its lawful use by law-abiding citizens. Why should a terrorist care if you ban his AK-47? Lautenberg is right. Gun laws should protect the innocent; not help criminals and terrorists. The 2nd Amendment is a gun law that does just that. It empowers the people to defend themselves against criminals and terrorists. Gun control empowers the criminals, as it leaves their intended victims defenseless. You think passing a law will get guns off the streets? Did that work for marijuana, cocaine, or heroin?
"Innocent lives, including law enforcement officials, are at risk and we need to pass this legislation now. Gun laws should be there to protect the innocent; not help criminals and terrorists"
Chauncy Biggins says:
To make a gun illegal, only limits its lawful use by law-abiding citizens. Why should a terrorist care if you ban his AK-47? Lautenberg is right. Gun laws should protect the innocent; not help criminals and terrorists. The 2nd Amendment is a gun law that does just that. It empowers the people to defend themselves against criminals and terrorists. Gun control empowers the criminals, as it leaves their intended victims defenseless. You think passing a law will get guns off the streets? Did that work for marijuana, cocaine, or heroin?
'GoodFellas' Inspiration Charged With Drug Possession
First Sammy "The Bull", now Henry Hill too. Can't these guys keep out of trouble even when the gov't helps them get out of it in the first place? What other charges could this guy have gotten without their help? Now he's more than likely going to be killed in prison. Idiot.
ACLU to keep tabs on protest
These volunteers are only going to moniter the border and send reports of any activity to the US Border Patrol, not arrest illegal immigrants personally. These groups are overreacting.
Doctor: Terri Can Recover
Has the whole world gone insane? This woman could have been treated! Michael Schiavo isn't exercising his rights as a husband. He's neglecting a dependent. It's looking less and less like a "right to die" issue and more like some sick bastard trying to murder his wife. It looks to me like he tried to kill her by smothering her, or strangling her. She survived with severe brain-damage. She was put in treatment, and her doctors said she was improving. Then he waited to collect the malpractice money. He personally received $600,000, but Terri received over $1.4 million. So now, he figures he needs to kill her to get the rest of that money. It was after they got the money that Michael decided she wanted to die. That was when he got a do not resuscitate order and started refusing treatment. And now the media, and a whole cadre of "right to die" advocates are trying to help this man get away with murder.
Learn more about Terri here:
Learn more about Terri here:
Monday, March 21, 2005
National Medical Malpractice Statistics
"A recent study by the Institute of Medicine of the National Academy of Sciences estimated that as many as 98,000 patients may be killed each year in hospitals alone as a result of medical errors. Earlier studies also found that this was a serious national problem."
But they can still take a feeding tube out of someone and say they're right for doing so. Chalk one more up here.
But they can still take a feeding tube out of someone and say they're right for doing so. Chalk one more up here.
Poll: Most Think Congress Wrong on Schiavo Case
One day. ONE DAY they took this poll and report that most Americans support the feeding tube removed from Mary Schiavo. This is ridiculous. 501 people polled and they say that makes a good control group for the entire population of 300 million. Give me a break.
Cult of 7G Finally Getting Recognition!!
Here's a comment from an "anonymous" liberal pus-bag posted on a story we featured "US Illegal Alien Numbers Surge." (This headline was mine: I refuse to call them undocumented immigrants) I'll put this pathetic liberal's comment in commie-red:
Anonymous said...
Those of you conservatives on the lunatic fringe deserve neither sympathy nor respect. Accidentally came across this blaaagh blog with the Next Blog button. Started reading out of morbid curiosity. But after reading several of your posts, all I feel is nausea for you and your kind.
Here's my reply:
Chauncy Biggins said...
Oh, I'm sorry. I don't recall asking for your sympathy or respect. You see, it's enough for us on the "lunatic fringe" to control the House, the Senate, and the White House. Perhaps it's you who needs a shoulder to cry on, douche-bag.
PS: Since this "anonymous" seems to think the illustrious bastion of wisdom and enlightenment, known as the Cult of 7G is a "blaagh blog," I challenge the yellow-bellied cur to post a link to his weblog, since I'm sure his is much better. Apparently, he's too chicken to stand up and be recognized for his comment.
Anonymous said...
Those of you conservatives on the lunatic fringe deserve neither sympathy nor respect. Accidentally came across this blaaagh blog with the Next Blog button. Started reading out of morbid curiosity. But after reading several of your posts, all I feel is nausea for you and your kind.
Here's my reply:
Chauncy Biggins said...
Oh, I'm sorry. I don't recall asking for your sympathy or respect. You see, it's enough for us on the "lunatic fringe" to control the House, the Senate, and the White House. Perhaps it's you who needs a shoulder to cry on, douche-bag.
PS: Since this "anonymous" seems to think the illustrious bastion of wisdom and enlightenment, known as the Cult of 7G is a "blaagh blog," I challenge the yellow-bellied cur to post a link to his weblog, since I'm sure his is much better. Apparently, he's too chicken to stand up and be recognized for his comment.
US Illegal Alien Numbers Surge
I could think of a few ways to deal with this problem! We could catch them, drug them, and take them up to Canada! They won't know the difference. Or we could build the great wall of America. If they tell us to tear it down, we'll say, "We'll tear ours down when China tears theirs down!" Or we could use this as an excuse to open our prisons and send all our violent inmates to Mexico, a la Fidel Castro. That might make Vincente Fox think twice about his "open border" advocacy.
Att'y Urges Hillary to Help Starve Terri
We oughtta just call this the Terri Shiavo blog today. But this issue is so interesting, as complicated issues usually are. There, of course, wouldn't be an issue if Terri had just expressed some wish to die. But she has not. There is considerable evidence to suggest the opposite. Her husband looks very suspicious. Why does he want cremation with no autopsy? Does he fear that they might find evidence to suggest that he was responsible for her brain damage? If she expressed this wish to him, why didn't they put it in writing? Do you people see the problem with the law as it stands? Should a husband or wife have that much power over their partner, especially in light of the increasing problem of domestic violence in this country? Can you see how this could establish a dangerous legal precedent? Personally, I think her husband, and everyone who has helped him thus far, including judges, attorneys, and Maureen Dowd, should be convicted of neglect of a dependent, attempted murder, and conspiracy to commit murder.
One last point: The judge ordered the feeding tube removed. In the meantime, if the nurse in this story is right, they could try feeding her jello and giving her water with a wash-cloth. It's a thought.
One last point: The judge ordered the feeding tube removed. In the meantime, if the nurse in this story is right, they could try feeding her jello and giving her water with a wash-cloth. It's a thought.
Nurse: Terri Can Eat Normally
I no longer lend any consideration to whether or not liberals are right. That is a foregone conclusion. Now my main focus is on understanding their motivation. Many religious conservatives firmly believe that they are in allegiance with satan. I don't share their religious scruples, and neither do most liberals. So what's their angle this time? Is it an attempt to devalue life in general? Does it just give them a kick to know they're helping a man murder his wife? Where's the National Organization for Women on this one? I think Democrats should think carefully about which side they choose on this issue. There are a lot of Catholic Democrats, that struggle enough with their party's stance on abortion. Certainly they won't support euthanasia.
N.Y. Times: Starvation Death Not Painful
The "newspaper of record" is now suggesting that starvation is not that bad. Perhaps we should stop taking activists and prisoners on hunger strike too seriously. After all, it's "very quiet, it's very dignified-it's very gentle."
Mexico's Fox Bashes U.S. Border Group 'Extremists'
Apparently, Vincente Fox thinks it's illegal for us to stroll about along our side of the border. It's perfectly okay for mexicans to sneak into our country, but it's not okay for citizen groups to walk along our side of our own border! This makes me sick! There was a time when this type of invasion would have been met with military force. Now he's threatening legal action to safe-guard these people's rights to invade our country. Something must be done. Vincente Fox has demonstrated that he has no respect for our nation's laws, our sovereingty, and our borders. He has no intention of cooperating with us on border security. He and Bush may be big buddies, but this isn't about Bush. These southern states have a right to secure their borders with any means they deem fit.
Friday, March 18, 2005
Sen. Gregg should be ashamed to put ANWR in budget
Oh, let the whiners whine! As usual, democrats are sore losers. Here's some typical liberal whining:
SEN. JUDD GREGG, as chairman of the Senate Budget Committee, has helped the Bush administration and the powerful oil industry to open up the coastal plain of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge for oil drilling by inserting language allowing the drilling into the federal budget.
This tactic avoids an up-or-down vote on the drilling itself. Using the budget process, only a one-vote majority is required, and budget resolutions are not subject to filibusters. Early in 2004, this tactic was defeated by a 52-to-48 vote margin. But, with an additional four Republican votes after the 2004 election, it passed 51-49 on Wednesday.
WELL DUH! We've been talking about doing this for years! Leave it to liberals to complain about the Republicans using their majority to push their agenda. How dare they? If ya don't like it, maybe you guys should actually get off your dead asses and vote! Then maybe your candidates would win. This is what being in the minority feels like. Better get used to it.
"It was in the President's budget and we're trying to do what the President asked for," Sen. Gregg told reporters on March 9. Is it a senator's job to do whatever the President says, whether it is right or wrong?
No, pea-brain. It's a senator's job to do what his constituents say. For some reason, whenever they don't get their way, liberals always think something illegal is going on. It reminds me of an eight-year-old screaming, "That's not fair!!"
Many conservationists argue that this end-run around the legislative process (a process in which advocates of ANWR drilling have lost many times in past attempts) is really a vendetta designed to put conservationists on notice that Republicans are going to go ahead and do as they please — legislative process, environmental concerns, and public participation be damned.
Now this part was funny because he contradicted himself in the same sentence. He says legislative process and public participation be damned. What kind of public participation do you suggest? A national referendum? Wouldn't that type of public participation subvert the legislative process of our constitutional republic? This isn't a democracy ruled by the mob, after all. The legislative process was served by the vote of 51-49, in case you forgot. The public participated by electing the senators that voted. If they don't like it, they can vote them out.
It isn't like the poor oil industry has been shut out of Alaska's coastline. The refuge contains the last 5 percent of the entire Alaskan coastal plain that does not already allow for oil drilling. Can't they leave just one little bit for the huge diversity in wildlife that lives there?
What huge diversity of wildlife? We're talking about an arctic tundra! An abyssal plain of nothing but ice, a few caribou, and some freezing eskimoes who, by the way, happen to favor drilling in ANWR.
Oil use at our current level is not only unsustainable, it contributes to global warming and helps cause wars. Our oil use should be treated like the crisis that it is, and if Sen. Gregg were a genuinely responsible politician who cared about his constituents and not special interests like the oil lobby, he would be leading the way to immediately change to genuinely safe alternative, renewable energy sources.
Okay, I drive a Ford Escort. It gets pretty good mileage, but where I live the gas price is 2.24 a gallon, and I'm definitely feeling the squeeze. I'm all in favor of switching to a new, cheaper, renewable fuel source. But that doesn't mean the transition can happen overnight! Are you going to be the one to buy me a new car that runs on whatever? What are you suggesting? Some sort of Maoist "Great Leap Forward" where we ban all automobiles? Wouldn't you prefer a gradual, sustainable transition that won't destroy the American economy? Preferably one driven by consumer demand rather than government edict?
SEN. JUDD GREGG, as chairman of the Senate Budget Committee, has helped the Bush administration and the powerful oil industry to open up the coastal plain of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge for oil drilling by inserting language allowing the drilling into the federal budget.
This tactic avoids an up-or-down vote on the drilling itself. Using the budget process, only a one-vote majority is required, and budget resolutions are not subject to filibusters. Early in 2004, this tactic was defeated by a 52-to-48 vote margin. But, with an additional four Republican votes after the 2004 election, it passed 51-49 on Wednesday.
WELL DUH! We've been talking about doing this for years! Leave it to liberals to complain about the Republicans using their majority to push their agenda. How dare they? If ya don't like it, maybe you guys should actually get off your dead asses and vote! Then maybe your candidates would win. This is what being in the minority feels like. Better get used to it.
"It was in the President's budget and we're trying to do what the President asked for," Sen. Gregg told reporters on March 9. Is it a senator's job to do whatever the President says, whether it is right or wrong?
No, pea-brain. It's a senator's job to do what his constituents say. For some reason, whenever they don't get their way, liberals always think something illegal is going on. It reminds me of an eight-year-old screaming, "That's not fair!!"
Many conservationists argue that this end-run around the legislative process (a process in which advocates of ANWR drilling have lost many times in past attempts) is really a vendetta designed to put conservationists on notice that Republicans are going to go ahead and do as they please — legislative process, environmental concerns, and public participation be damned.
Now this part was funny because he contradicted himself in the same sentence. He says legislative process and public participation be damned. What kind of public participation do you suggest? A national referendum? Wouldn't that type of public participation subvert the legislative process of our constitutional republic? This isn't a democracy ruled by the mob, after all. The legislative process was served by the vote of 51-49, in case you forgot. The public participated by electing the senators that voted. If they don't like it, they can vote them out.
It isn't like the poor oil industry has been shut out of Alaska's coastline. The refuge contains the last 5 percent of the entire Alaskan coastal plain that does not already allow for oil drilling. Can't they leave just one little bit for the huge diversity in wildlife that lives there?
What huge diversity of wildlife? We're talking about an arctic tundra! An abyssal plain of nothing but ice, a few caribou, and some freezing eskimoes who, by the way, happen to favor drilling in ANWR.
Oil use at our current level is not only unsustainable, it contributes to global warming and helps cause wars. Our oil use should be treated like the crisis that it is, and if Sen. Gregg were a genuinely responsible politician who cared about his constituents and not special interests like the oil lobby, he would be leading the way to immediately change to genuinely safe alternative, renewable energy sources.
Okay, I drive a Ford Escort. It gets pretty good mileage, but where I live the gas price is 2.24 a gallon, and I'm definitely feeling the squeeze. I'm all in favor of switching to a new, cheaper, renewable fuel source. But that doesn't mean the transition can happen overnight! Are you going to be the one to buy me a new car that runs on whatever? What are you suggesting? Some sort of Maoist "Great Leap Forward" where we ban all automobiles? Wouldn't you prefer a gradual, sustainable transition that won't destroy the American economy? Preferably one driven by consumer demand rather than government edict?
Senate votes for drilling in ANWR
Indeed the Senate has finally done it. They want to destroy this wonderful ice wildlife. Write your senator with this picture and tell them to Stop the Drilling!
How Would You Like to Meet This Guy?
Now the Cult of 7G has always had a strong commitment to diversity and inter-species relations, but this is disgusting.
What's left, shame?
The left claims to be the champion of justice and human rights, but it's all a facade. Their true motive is pure hatred of western democracy and capitalism. On that subject, here's an eloquent editorial by Charles Krauthammer.
Castro: My Riches Belong to the People
Oh sure, Fidel. And I suppose if one of "the people" tried to thumb a ride in your black merecedes motorcade, you'd pull over and pick 'em up.
Groups Progress on Iraq Coalition Gov't
This story is kind of funny coming from the AP, when you consider their headline on the 15th, "Leaders Fail to form Iraq Coalition Gov't". And notice how, in spite of the positive headline, the fourth paragraph has nothing to do with the story. We get a story about a suicide car bombing and then one about some sunni cleric getting iced before we ever hear about the actual story! It's not like they do this by mistake, people. It's pretty obvious what they're doing. They know this type of stuff wears people down and breaks their resolve. It makes the ignorant among us think the war is going badly. They don't have any type of historical perspective. Imagine if we had this type of negative coverage during WWII. The average person would think the whole world was ending. During that war, you would read about people dying by the thousands in a matter of hours, not years. Now imagine if every news story about the war effort at that time followed this same template. Would we have had the will go on fighting? Who knows?
Thursday, March 17, 2005
Schiavo Case Moves to Congress
Wow. You know, my point I have to make here is just a side note of the story. I just want to say how really amazing it is to have the legislative branch step in and do something, and it didn't take months to do it. I don't know if I'm proud or scared. I mean, how quickly could they pass a couple of bills and not have anyone know about it or put a couple of amendments on said bills. We need a party to replace the democrats that have a little more brains so we don't end up with a one party system, and fast.
Wednesday, March 16, 2005
Peterson Judge Sentences Him to Death
Once again, I do need to bring up this point. Now, Peterson was charged with second-degree murder of Laci's fetus. Hmmmm.... So let me get this straight. If the mother doesn't want the baby, it's ok to kill it. If the mother DOES want the fetus, then it's not. So, the mother has the power to incorporate the fetus with a soul. Interesting. I didn't know woman had power like this. Can they do the same thing with a turd?
Tuesday, March 15, 2005
Prosecutor says Phil Spector has history of pulling guns on women
I guess it's just ok to point a gun at people and threaten them as long as you're Phil Spector. In LA too, of all places.
Terror suspects are buying guns - and it's perfectly legal
Look at this. It sounds simple enough when you first read it, but now these guys are demanding that people even SUSPECTED of crimes should not be allowed to own firearms. They also mention the shooting in Brookfield, Wis. to support more encompassing background checks, but a background check didn't stop him from purchasing his gun. These arguments are old.
Leaders Fail to Form Iraq Coalition Gov't
I've got one more complaint about this one. You ever notice how they always fill out these Iraq stories with all the negative stuff that happened in Iraq, whether it pertains to the actual story or not? This is supposed to be a story about the Shiites and Kurds convening the new parliament, but they have to throw in their little car bomb reports here and there, breaking up the flow of the article. It's almost as it the reporter is saying, "Don't forget, the country's going to hell!" Could you imagine if every single news story involving the United States included every act of violence that was committed that day? Each story would be as long as the Bible! They'd break up a story about rising gas prices with news about that accused rapist who shot a judge in the head. Everybody would think America was a quagmire!
Louisiana Governor Swoons Over Castro
A trade delegation to a country under a U.S. trade embargo? Get 'em, Humberto!
Leaders Fail to Form Iraq Coalition Gov't
This is such a biased headline!! Apparently, the good people at the AP think it's a failure if they don't have a mirror-image of american democracy overnight. These things take time, people! We can hardly get the opposing factions in our government to agree on anything, and we've been established for over 200 years! This is apparently one of the rare instances where an AP story actually comes with the name of the guy who wrote it, Todd Pitman. Guess who's off 7G's Christmas card mailing list!
Poll: Eskimos Back ANWR Drilling
It's not surprising. Just because they're eskimos, doesn't mean they like living in poverty. Everybody likes running water. Environmentalists don't see it that way. They worship the planet with religious zeal, and see this huge, empty tundra as being pristine and holy in some way. They enjoy the comforts of living in a devoloped part of the world, while relegating others to abject poverty.
Che Guevara: Cowardly Murderer
Here's a good editorial about how Che Guevara was a filthy, cowardly, scum-sucking worm. Enjoy.
Monday, March 14, 2005
Washington Post Editor Knocks U.S.
Okay, if this isn't treason, I don't know what is. I mean, let's ignore the fact that this guy's statements are childish and idiotic, and evaluate his arguments. I'll put this filthy commie's comments in red.
"I don't think the U.S. should be the leader of the world."
Well, philly boy, most U.S. citizens don't think so either. But we do have a presence in the "global scene" since we are a superpower and it is our perrogative to pursue our best interests.
"If you look around the world in strategically important places, is the
U.S. actively engaged there promoting democracy or not? I don't think there is
much evidence that promoting democracy is what the U.S. is doing. It is what
it says it is doing."
What kind of thing is this to say? We promote democracy as much as we can get away with, but wouldn't that just be more american "imperialism" that you libs hate so much? Isn't it you guys who always say the world doesn't want democracy. We can't impose freedom on people? My point is moot anyway, as the US is involved in promoting democracy. Just look at Iraq and Afghanistan. And apparently, he did:
"One of the jobs of our correspondents in Baghdad is to tell our readers
what the Bush administration is trying to hide. Bush says democracy is advancing
in Iraq, but our correspondents say the situation there is much more complex
than that."
I'd be interested in hearing him elaborate on the complexities, but from where I'm standing, free elections in Iraq of all places, looks like a pretty good sign that democracy is advancing there.
"The government of the U.S. is becoming much more secretive, much more
hostile to the press in terms of giving us access to the information. So a lot
of what we do here is to fight for access to the information that we think the
public should have. That takes a lot of our energy and resources."
Is it any wonder, when you consider the kind of crap these guys are saying?
"When I went to China, I felt I was seeing into the future."
I hope he's referring to his own future. As in, he's moving to China and getting the hell out of my country. We should only be so lucky.
"I don't think the U.S. should be the leader of the world."
Well, philly boy, most U.S. citizens don't think so either. But we do have a presence in the "global scene" since we are a superpower and it is our perrogative to pursue our best interests.
"If you look around the world in strategically important places, is the
U.S. actively engaged there promoting democracy or not? I don't think there is
much evidence that promoting democracy is what the U.S. is doing. It is what
it says it is doing."
What kind of thing is this to say? We promote democracy as much as we can get away with, but wouldn't that just be more american "imperialism" that you libs hate so much? Isn't it you guys who always say the world doesn't want democracy. We can't impose freedom on people? My point is moot anyway, as the US is involved in promoting democracy. Just look at Iraq and Afghanistan. And apparently, he did:
"One of the jobs of our correspondents in Baghdad is to tell our readers
what the Bush administration is trying to hide. Bush says democracy is advancing
in Iraq, but our correspondents say the situation there is much more complex
than that."
I'd be interested in hearing him elaborate on the complexities, but from where I'm standing, free elections in Iraq of all places, looks like a pretty good sign that democracy is advancing there.
"The government of the U.S. is becoming much more secretive, much more
hostile to the press in terms of giving us access to the information. So a lot
of what we do here is to fight for access to the information that we think the
public should have. That takes a lot of our energy and resources."
Is it any wonder, when you consider the kind of crap these guys are saying?
"When I went to China, I felt I was seeing into the future."
I hope he's referring to his own future. As in, he's moving to China and getting the hell out of my country. We should only be so lucky.
Update on Ocean Haven
Either the guys at newsmax were wrong on this one, or Ocean Haven has decided to remove the "No Bush Voters" restriction from their policy. I checked their official website, and could find no mention of such a policy. If it's true, then newsmax is right about one thing. We're damn proud!
See for yourself here:
See for yourself here:
Inn Bans Bush-Voting Guests
Ha! Like we'd want to go to your fru-fru little hippie resort anyway. That's why The Cult of 7G plans to introduce legislation to make Oregon the nation's land-fill. Perhaps we should start a petition.
A Family Tree in Every Gene
Wow, this is news? The scientific community has been rocked by proof that there is such a thing as race on a genetic level. Apparently the popular idea was that race was only a concept, or a socio-economic construct imposed by society. Any idiot could tell you that's foolish. I think this should be considered evidence of liberal-minded people believing something in spite of the fact that it flies in the face of all the empirical evidence, just because it fits with their feel-good view of the world. Of course there's such a thing as race. It's pretty easy to tell an asian from a european just by looking at their face! It took a statistician to figure this out?
Smooth Talker Apologizes
Ha! Fool, you'd better apologize. I don't see where these Canadians get all this chutzpah! They're basically a sham of a country. Their security and sovereignty relies entirely on their convenient geographical location. They have lived under the blanket of security that our military provides for years. Now, we're going to include them in our missile defense system, even though they refuse to participate. What it boils down to is that Canada is the US and UK's spoiled little brother. The Canadians can throw these little tantrums and hissy-fits without worrying about any real consequences, because they know we'll still love them, childish and stupid as they are.
Friday, March 11, 2005
Byrd: Why I Left the Klan
I'd like to know. Why is it that politicians are bound to different standards of reasoning and logic than the rest of us. When asked why he used racial slurs in a 2001 television interview, the best explanation Byrd can come up with, is "I have heard many people use it." Would that excuse work for a 10 year old? Why does Robert Byrd get a pass? I mean, it is possible for a person to change. But doesn't his past at least signify that he has had poor judgement? If he was so wrong back then, then why should we listen to him about anything now?
Thursday, March 10, 2005
Spain Muslims Issue Fatwa Against Bin Laden
Well thank you, spanish muslims. It's a day late and a dollar short. But better late than never, and hopefully this will influence the opinion of other muslims and encourage them to speak out against Bin Laden. Certainly, a majority of muslims wouldn't want to be associated with this guy. That's why CAIR was so angry about that 24 show regarding (gasp) muslim terrorists.
Ex-Dentist May Face Charges in Semen Case
You know, this is a sick story, but it is kinda funny. Here we have a guy doing this kinda stuff, and he MIGHT get charged with a misdemeanor. I say we need more tort reform, people!
Beijing warns of invasion if Taiwan dares to declare its independence
The proverbial manure is about to hit the fan, ladies and gentlemen. We're all running around talking about Iraq, Iran, North Korea, Syria, etc., and we may just be at the doorstep of war with China. They'll back down, though. They have to. We fund their entire country. They won't do anything. Or will they?
The 7G Triumphant!
Who's that shadow in the background? You guessed it. Me, Danbo Jones, celebrating my victory over the leftist media. I knew my plants in the information trade could do it. Giving Rather this false info was the best idea we've come up with.
Reporting the truth... BAH!
Physicist Wins Spirituality Prize
Too bad this guy might not be around too much longer. I would love to meet him and talk about certain subjects he studied. I believe he knows more about being a scientist than 99% of the people who call themselves such. Read on.
Mount St. Helens Defends Her Record
Mount St. Helens defended it's record, according to local and inside sources. Accused of not making more pollution than man, it commented, "What? I sent over 10,000 tons of gas and ash seven miles into the atmosphere. SEVEN MILES! You know how high that is?"
Sources also reported that MSH was very upset about not being recognized for it's accomplishments in the world. Still being one-uped by developing nations in the international press, it had this to say. "Maybe those nations would compair to me if America would do the good thing and nuke 'em. I've done more for the destruction of our air then all you humans put together. Maybe I'll just erupt big time again just to remind you."
This reporter doesn't look forward to it.
Danbo Jones
Wednesday, March 09, 2005
Questions About A Plot
Here are some good questions about Guiliana Sgrena raised by Ernesto Galli Della Loggia, an italian journalist with Corrierre Della Sera.
Ha! Here's a story that will piss off all those "open-borders" advocates.
PS. We love you, Michelle Malkin!
PS. We love you, Michelle Malkin!
U.S. Infrastructure Deteriorating, Report Finds
This is infuriating. The fact is, we do need to overhaul our infrastructure. But this news story has a partisan slant. They only bothered to get one guy's opinion, who happened to be a democrat. He thinks it's because of the tax cuts. What the story fails to report is that in 1998 the asce gave a similar report. The grade they gave back then...(drumroll please)... a D!!!
Some things have gotten better, such as education. Some have gotten worse, such as bridges. But overall, we still get a D from the asce. What conclusions can we draw? First, our infrastructure sucks, and has sucked for a while. Second, this is not the president's fault, as the news story would imply. It is obviously the fault of our entire political culture for the past several years. This is just a case of journalists creating a partisan attack piece out of a relatively non-partisan issue. The obvious solution to any liberal would be to repeal the tax cuts. But the tax cuts didn't create the problem. Perhaps, they should re-allocate some of their spending to cover infrastructure costs. Cut some of the grant money they give to study the mating rituals of the pissant, or something. Or cut some of the money we send to Colombia to grow, I mean fight narcotics. Or start some Adopt-a-Dam program to get the private sector involved. I guess my point is, if you guys weren't doing any better with the extra money, then the solution isn't to give it back.
Here's the ASCE's 1998 report card
Some things have gotten better, such as education. Some have gotten worse, such as bridges. But overall, we still get a D from the asce. What conclusions can we draw? First, our infrastructure sucks, and has sucked for a while. Second, this is not the president's fault, as the news story would imply. It is obviously the fault of our entire political culture for the past several years. This is just a case of journalists creating a partisan attack piece out of a relatively non-partisan issue. The obvious solution to any liberal would be to repeal the tax cuts. But the tax cuts didn't create the problem. Perhaps, they should re-allocate some of their spending to cover infrastructure costs. Cut some of the grant money they give to study the mating rituals of the pissant, or something. Or cut some of the money we send to Colombia to grow, I mean fight narcotics. Or start some Adopt-a-Dam program to get the private sector involved. I guess my point is, if you guys weren't doing any better with the extra money, then the solution isn't to give it back.
Here's the ASCE's 1998 report card
Italy Calls Shooting an Accident
Hey, I still say consider the source. It's the word of our soldiers on the checkpoint, against the word of some communist Italian journalist. Of course she's going to lie to make us look bad. Let's see how this story plays out. There should be evidence. If they were doing 60 mph, there would be skid marks from their abrupt stop. At least Italy isn't going with Sgrena's story of an assassination attempt. That's just wacky, and the reason why I considered her testimony suspect in the first place.
Harassment Claims Roil Habitat for Humanity
So this Millard Fuller guy, founder and president of Habitat for Humanity, gets fired for sexual harrassment. Apparently, he has a few thousand supporters and donors that are pissed. They're doing work-stoppages at construction sites and are urging donors not to contribute. What the hell is wrong with these people? Are they more concerned with protecting their own than doing the work the organization was founded to do? Volunteers for a non-profit organization encouraging people not to donate? This is ridiculous! And what the hell is wrong with Jimmie Carter? He's defending this guy by saying he's committed sexual harrassment too! Aww shucks! Everybody does it! This champion of left-wing feminist fru-fru is actually doing a great disservice to women by down-playing and diminishing the seriousness of sexual harrassment in the work-place. Don't expect to hear from NOW about it any time soon. They like it when liberals grab their ass and make lewd comments. That's why they loved Bill Clinton so much.
Tuesday, March 08, 2005
Gun shows draw smaller crowds
Here's an example of how endless, complicated regulations amount to a de-facto ban on firearms.
'Counter-recruiters' shadowing the military
I don't care what anybody says about freedom of speech and the right to organize. This crap is treason, and these guys deserve to be locked up.
Italy Demands Justice from U.S. Over Iraq Death
Italy deployed 3,000 troops to Iraq following the fall of Baghdad and has made clear it will not withdraw its troops despite Calipari's death. But it fears any hint of a U.S. whitewash over the incident will fuel anti-American sentiment
My only complaint about this article, is how can Italy say anything? Who took the statement from Italy. I mean, it's not like the freakin dirt itself sat up and gave a statement. Or did the entire boot-shaped peninsula just write a memo? I also love it when the AP releases statements from the White House. I talked to the White House, and it told me such and such.
My only complaint about this article, is how can Italy say anything? Who took the statement from Italy. I mean, it's not like the freakin dirt itself sat up and gave a statement. Or did the entire boot-shaped peninsula just write a memo? I also love it when the AP releases statements from the White House. I talked to the White House, and it told me such and such.
The democrats get set to rumble
I say bring it on! The democrats rely on a constituency of half-wits with attention deficit disorder that can't remember what they talked about 5 years ago. If you'll recall, the single biggest issue back in those heady days of the 2000 elections was social security solvency. Both sides of the aisle were saying that social security is in crisis. Remember all of Algore's talk of the "lock-box"? Now, they've come full-circle. They're saying that there is no crisis. They have no explanation for why there is no crisis. They offer no explanation for why they've all changed their minds. There just is no crisis. This is just another example of the fact that the democratic party is bankrupt of ideas. They have no plan, so rather than deal with a very real problem facing this country, they attack the messenger, and pretend there is no problem. That's the main reason they've been losing power and influence since 1994.
Our Opinion of Italian Journalist's Account
Danbo Jones said...
Ok, here's the comment I have about this article. If the US wanted this journalist dead, then she would be. 400 rounds being shot into the car is a big number of bullets, and all she got was a piece of shrapnel in her shoulder? Give me a break.
12:21 PM
Chauncy Biggins said...
I knew it! This is all some tasteless publicity stunt! And what a childish, illogical explanation. That may be enough for the Italians, but it doesn't pass the bullshit test here at 7G. If our guys wanted her dead, she'd be dead, and there would be no witnesses.
11:51 AM
Read her side of the story at
Ok, here's the comment I have about this article. If the US wanted this journalist dead, then she would be. 400 rounds being shot into the car is a big number of bullets, and all she got was a piece of shrapnel in her shoulder? Give me a break.
12:21 PM
Chauncy Biggins said...
I knew it! This is all some tasteless publicity stunt! And what a childish, illogical explanation. That may be enough for the Italians, but it doesn't pass the bullshit test here at 7G. If our guys wanted her dead, she'd be dead, and there would be no witnesses.
11:51 AM
Read her side of the story at
Teresa Heinz: Bush Win Suspicious
This was brought up a year before the elections. If they had a problem with this, then that was the time for her to say anything about it.
Boeing Fires CEO for Affair With Exec
And democrats say their better than capitalists. The only difference between this guy and Bill Clinton is that he had an affair with an exec, not an intern. Oh, and I guess Bill Clinton was the president too.
Sunday, March 06, 2005
Oil Prices Show Financial Woes for America
When oil prices go down, no one talks about it. When oil prices go up, even New Zealand talks about it. Hmmm...
Fredryk Phox Sings of Danbo
Heaven only knows how it could go so far
But I never will forget that chicken pock scar
The next-doors said, "You better do what you can,"
"If you're gonna get a rifle ask the elevator man," mmmm mmm
Was a little baby named Danbo Jones
Now he's changin' his name and a-hittin' them stones
But I never will forget that chicken pock scar
The next-doors said, "You better do what you can,"
"If you're gonna get a rifle ask the elevator man," mmmm mmm
Was a little baby named Danbo Jones
Now he's changin' his name and a-hittin' them stones
Update: Italian Journalist Rejects U.S. Account
I don't really have a comment for this. I'm still too ticked off from what I read.
Saturday, March 05, 2005
Chimps Chew Off Man's Face
Only thing I have to say about this... A chimp is an ape, not a monkey, because it doesn't have a tail. Does this make me smarter than the AP?
Iran Says It Won't Halt Uranium Enrichment
It seems too many people in this world don't think we've had a World War in a while and wanna help with the process.
Hu vows to crush independence, says strife easing
You know, I don't remember it personally, but I do remember listening to something in history class about some guy named Hitler who decided the Rhinelands were part of Germany and just took it. Then he moved on to Poland. Then the Brits finally had the nads to say, "Hey, stop it." I wonder when someone is going to do it this time and how bad it's going to get before someone does.
Kerry: Something Wrong With Media
HE SPEAKS! You know, it's funny how he says the media is too corporate now, and all the dems want to do is give total power of information over to them with the campaign finance bills they want to pass. Hmmmm... Really can't have it both ways. Also, who owns all of these media outlets? Ted Turner (CBS, CNN)? Disney (ABC)? General Electric (NBC)? Bill Gates (MSNBC)? Also, I do know the top three richest men in the world are all dems too (Bill Gates, Warren Buffet, Paul Allen). They just need to give up, man.
Soderburg and Dems Show True Colors
And they say there's no media bias. Cheney goes on the campaign trail and says electing a democrat might make the country more suseptible to terrorists and gets lambasted. She goes on the Daily Show, probably the most watched Comedy Central show other than South Park, and only four sources have even reported this so far.
Friday, March 04, 2005
U.S. Forces Wound Freed Hostage in Iraq
I say blame the driver! Certainly, we're not getting the whole story yet. But why the hell would they try to crash a coalition check-point? It doesn't matter if you're the pope. If you speed up to a military check-point and don't stop when they tell you to stop, you're in trouble. The cynical, ultra-conservative side of me wants to say she did it intentionally, sacrificing herself to effect the withdrawal of Italian troops and undermine the war effort. But surely, that can't be. We'll have to follow this story closely...
Iraq's New Government May Take Weeks to Be Formed
Could someone please explain to me how this is news? Of course it's going to take time to form a whole new government! Awww, you mean they aren't done already? Apparently, in their zeal over finding another negative story to report on Iraq, they've lost all historical perspective. It took the United States twelve years to create a new government, from the Declaration of Independence to the ratification of the United States Constitution. And we had the advantage of years of social, political, and cultural development, steeped in a tradition of parliamentary government and individual rights. It's going to take some time and patience for Iraq to start a whole new government, especially a democratic government.
China's Hu Lists Guidelines for Handling Taiwan
"Peaceful reunification does not mean that one side 'swallows' the other, but that the two sides confer on reunification through consultation on an equal footing," the Xinhua news agency quoted Hu as saying in a panel discussion with officials whom it described as advising the Chinese parliament on behalf of Taiwan.
Ha!! Apparently, Hu Jintao's idea of equal footing is for Taiwan to submit to communism.
Ha!! Apparently, Hu Jintao's idea of equal footing is for Taiwan to submit to communism.
China, Others Criticize U.S. Report on Rights
Okay, so panties on the heads of some prisoners are supposed to be the same as murder, torture, lack of religious freedom and freedom of expression. They say our report is full of lies and propaganda. I say their retort is full of lies and propaganda. Like anybody's going to take China's side in an argument about human rights. It's okay for China to oppress it's people, decide what religion they can practice, and imprison people for speaking against the government. It's okay for Putin to take control of the news media, use the tax code to destroy private industry, and imprison his political oponents. They'd just better not put any panties on any heads, by GAWD! And apparently, Mexicans have a human right to illegally cross our borders. Also, the lazy have a right to government housing. The people have a right to be protected from themselves. Criminals have the right to attack and harrass hapless victims without worrying about them defending themselves. The sick have a right to go on a waiting list for state-controlled healthcare. Fight for your rights, Komrades!
Communists for Kerry
You know, I wouldn't be surprised if this was an actual site instead of a joke.
Thursday, March 03, 2005
Clarification on Cathead
Penelope S. said...
Abomination you say? I feel that this is a huge step toward the improvement of inter-special relations! We must accept those who are only happy in relationships between species, as well as the issue of those unions. Plus have you ever seen anything so cute? Really now be honest! Chauncy, I was under the impression that you were a firm supporter of this movement.
Chauncy Biggins said...
I wasn't calling Cathead an abomination. It's an abomination that he would go on vacation without inviting me!
Here at the Cult of 7G, we're tackling the important issues!
Abomination you say? I feel that this is a huge step toward the improvement of inter-special relations! We must accept those who are only happy in relationships between species, as well as the issue of those unions. Plus have you ever seen anything so cute? Really now be honest! Chauncy, I was under the impression that you were a firm supporter of this movement.
Chauncy Biggins said...
I wasn't calling Cathead an abomination. It's an abomination that he would go on vacation without inviting me!
Here at the Cult of 7G, we're tackling the important issues!
On the Subject of the Million Mom Marcher with the Illegal Handgun
I just thought of something. That lady wasn't a hypocrite. Gun control laws only cover legal firearms, not illegal firearms. All her bases are covered.
Castro Proves Embargo Foes Wrong
Here's some opinion from Humberto Fontova, probably my favorite syndicated, rabid-anti-commie cubano.
Kerry Wants U.S. to Honor Communist
I guess John Kerry has decided to cast aside all pretense and is now showing his true colors.
The Democrats' Mini-Deans
Ha! This article gives me the giggles. Howard Dean is going to kill the Democratic Party! All he draws to the party are far-left loonies. There weren't enough of them to get Dean nominated. They're going to alienate most of the country, to appeal to a minority of nut-jobs. Excellent political strategy.
Greenspan Touts Idea of a Consumption Tax
This scares the crap out of me. Greenspan says if they try to switch to a sales tax, they'll get too much opposition from the left because the poor would have to pay more taxes. But if they do both, we'll all pay more taxes. Perhaps if they would just CUT SPENDING, they wouldn't need to think of new ways to generate revenue.
Dean Says Conservatives Are 'Evil'
It's not just the 'evil' part that gets my goat. It's these silly libs who think that they still know what the public, or moderate republicans, want. How many million votes did they lose by?
Wednesday, March 02, 2005
A Comment on The Anti-Gun Activist and My Reply
Penny Snood said...
Wow, I am amazed at that an anti-firearm activist could forget that there was an illegal firearm in their home. And doesn't common sense tell you to turn things like that over to the proper authorities?
3:40 PM
Chauncy Biggins said...
You see, penny, that was just a pathetic excuse for the police. I would say it's because she's a hypocrite, or that she has an elitist mentality, but I don't think that's the case. Honestly, I think it's just that most of the anti-gun lobby are irrational and mentally un-balanced. It probably didn't even occur to her that her illegal gun contradicted her convictions.
3:45 PM
Wow, I am amazed at that an anti-firearm activist could forget that there was an illegal firearm in their home. And doesn't common sense tell you to turn things like that over to the proper authorities?
3:40 PM
Chauncy Biggins said...
You see, penny, that was just a pathetic excuse for the police. I would say it's because she's a hypocrite, or that she has an elitist mentality, but I don't think that's the case. Honestly, I think it's just that most of the anti-gun lobby are irrational and mentally un-balanced. It probably didn't even occur to her that her illegal gun contradicted her convictions.
3:45 PM
Bush, Blair nominated for Nobel Peace Prize
This article ticked me off. They didn't think anything of it when the militant terrorist, Yasser Arafat was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1994, but it's supposed to be ironic that Bush and Blair were nominated. This is supposed to be straight news, but they inject their editorial opinion throughout the article. ABC sucks!
The Cult of 7G Gains Momentum
My speech to the United Capitalists of the World was a huge success. Standing ovations, all around!
Also, my meeting with the president for an independant nation status went very well in my opinion.
Tuesday, March 01, 2005
A Comment about Cuba's Smoking Ban and My Reply
Anonymous said...
So what exactly is the problem with smoke free air in public places. I personally prefer to eat without someone's nasty tobacco wafting into my face. I could see if smoking areas were completely seperated from the non-smoking, but alas so few places choose to do this. Really it is as much a non-smokers right to breath non-polluted air as it is a smokers right to die from cancer. But I feel that one should be considerate of those who wish to have healthy lungs, and not chalk it up to some liberal left-wing property of the state conspiracy. Its simply common courtesy.
4:01 PM
Chauncy Biggins said...
Hey, I wasn't suggesting a conspiracy. It's just an end that results from the parental mindset of the Cuban government. Besides, the risks of second-hand smoke are grossly exaggerated by the anti-tobacco lobby. Copy and paste this link on your browser bar.
4:28 PM
In my opinion, the smoke-nazi wing of the left think we are the property of the state, therefore we shouldn't damage state property by smoking. While you mull this over, I'll be outside smoking. Hack, cough....
posted by Chauncy Biggins at 3:09 PM on Feb 24 2005
So what exactly is the problem with smoke free air in public places. I personally prefer to eat without someone's nasty tobacco wafting into my face. I could see if smoking areas were completely seperated from the non-smoking, but alas so few places choose to do this. Really it is as much a non-smokers right to breath non-polluted air as it is a smokers right to die from cancer. But I feel that one should be considerate of those who wish to have healthy lungs, and not chalk it up to some liberal left-wing property of the state conspiracy. Its simply common courtesy.
4:01 PM
Chauncy Biggins said...
Hey, I wasn't suggesting a conspiracy. It's just an end that results from the parental mindset of the Cuban government. Besides, the risks of second-hand smoke are grossly exaggerated by the anti-tobacco lobby. Copy and paste this link on your browser bar.
4:28 PM
In my opinion, the smoke-nazi wing of the left think we are the property of the state, therefore we shouldn't damage state property by smoking. While you mull this over, I'll be outside smoking. Hack, cough....
posted by Chauncy Biggins at 3:09 PM on Feb 24 2005
UN chief warns Syria over Lebanon
A day late and a dollar short, Kofi. This is an example of a corrupt organization struggling to maintain its relevance by spouting off more meaningless rhetoric. Words without works, Kofi, are worthless!
Emperor Darth Misha of "The Anti-Idiotarian Rottweiler" had some noteworthy comments.
Emperor Darth Misha of "The Anti-Idiotarian Rottweiler" had some noteworthy comments.
Liberalism: Can it survive?
The answer: Obviously not. Anyone who knows me knows that I've been saying this for years. Liberals are bereft of new ideas. They have no sustainable plan for the future. All they are capable of is repeating their tired-out slogans, such as "The republicans are taking your social security," and "selected not elected." Ad hominem attack and sensational accusations don't make for a successful political strategy. Just ask John Kerry.
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