Monday, March 21, 2005

Cult of 7G Finally Getting Recognition!!

Here's a comment from an "anonymous" liberal pus-bag posted on a story we featured "US Illegal Alien Numbers Surge." (This headline was mine: I refuse to call them undocumented immigrants) I'll put this pathetic liberal's comment in commie-red:

Anonymous said...
Those of you conservatives on the lunatic fringe deserve neither sympathy nor respect. Accidentally came across this blaaagh blog with the Next Blog button. Started reading out of morbid curiosity. But after reading several of your posts, all I feel is nausea for you and your kind.

Here's my reply:

Chauncy Biggins said...
Oh, I'm sorry. I don't recall asking for your sympathy or respect. You see, it's enough for us on the "lunatic fringe" to control the House, the Senate, and the White House. Perhaps it's you who needs a shoulder to cry on, douche-bag.

PS: Since this "anonymous" seems to think the illustrious bastion of wisdom and enlightenment, known as the Cult of 7G is a "blaagh blog," I challenge the yellow-bellied cur to post a link to his weblog, since I'm sure his is much better. Apparently, he's too chicken to stand up and be recognized for his comment.

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