Danbo posted a story yesterday about Bush's plan for a major push toward hydrogen fuel cell cars. But leave it to the enviro-loonies to find a reason to complain. A comment was posted about the story by a brave, daring individual by the moniker of 'Anonymous.' In his comment, he recommended that we read this story from motherjones.com, which is a mindless rant about Bush consulting the energy industry to provide the hydrogen. Who else is he going to consult? Ben & Jerry's Ice Cream? Apparently, hydrogen fuel cell cars aren't good enough until we change our whole energy infrastructure to wind and solar energy. Both renewable resources are less efficient than gas or coal power plants. And wind energy can actually be more damaging to the environment! To give them what they want would push back the time-table for the release of fuel cell cars by decades! Not to mention the fact that we'd have so many freaking wind-mills and solar panels, we wouldn't have room for anything else! The following is Danbo's response to all this foolishnes:
Danbo Jones said...
First thing, the post comment I had was mostly a joke. Second, I read the article supplied by you, Chach. Here's the thing, though. They are talking about hydrogen that's produced by oil, gas, and nuclear power plants like they shouldn't be used. This hydrogen is a by-product of the power making process and is already produced. Secondly, from what I've found, fossil fuel and nuclear based power plants produce more hydrogen than renewable power sources, just like they produce more power. There would be no extra pollution from power companies helping out from what I can gather. Also, knowing from other posts I have put up, I don't always support the gov't footing the bill for everything that is done in this country. I don't find that oil companies funding reseach for this alternate energy source as a problem, as the author of this article so puts it. Finally, check out the article that Chauncy put up on 03/29 and see the nonsense that most renewable power is. With less cars on the road spewing CO into the air and more leaking a little water now and then, I don't see how this woman can argue with this.... Was that article written by a woman?
7:13 AM
Thursday, April 07, 2005
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well first things first, i didn't mean to post anonymously, i merely forgot to write my name. i'm not a member like you so i don't have the luxury of having my name automatically applied to the comment. i'm not hiding behind anything. i've made several comments that were contradictory to yours already, and frankly i don't feel a need to be anonymous when what i'm writing is merely A. from new sources that i feel are more thorough (albeit, not necessarily more liberal) and B. how i feel about the subject. i feel like you get a little too personal in some of your arguments. you make a strong case for your conservative perspective without calling names. contrary to your belief, i'm actually quite moderate and side with bush on much of what he's doing/has done. i didn't vote for him, but thats because i have a right to believe that there can be a better president (which, as of matter of fact, was not john kerry).
in regards to the subject at hand, i quote one particular section of the article that i feel accurately and pretty plainly outlines the "liberal" argument against bush's plan:
"What Bush didn't reveal in his nationwide address, however, is that his administration has been working quietly to ensure that the system used to produce hydrogen will be as fossil fuel-dependent -- and potentially as dirty -- as the one that fuels today's SUVs. According to the administration's National Hydrogen Energy Roadmap, drafted last year in concert with the energy industry, up to 90 percent of all hydrogen will be refined from oil, natural gas, and other fossil fuels -- in a process using energy generated by burning oil, coal, and natural gas. The remaining 10 percent will be cracked from water using nuclear energy.
Such a system, experts say, would effectively eliminate most of the benefits offered by hydrogen. Although the fuel-cell cars themselves may emit nothing but water vapor, the process of producing the fuel cells from hydrocarbons will continue America's dependence on fossil fuels and leave behind carbon dioxide, the primary cause of global warming."
all i'm really trying to say here is that this makes sense to me. it makes sense to me scientifically, it makes sense to me practically, and it makes MORE sense to me than the article prior.
i can tell when someone's opinion is not wanted, and i'll really have to consider posting on this forum again. i think that you fellas are doing a good thing, but you don't have to be so damn militant and so damn limbaughish. there are two sides to all the bullshit ideological zeal: the michael moore al franken side and the limbaugh cult of 7g side. i think being impartial, unbiased, and most of all practical is the more appeasing method of analyzing politics. but thats just my two cents, and you won't see any more of it most likely. good luck with everything!
Chach, this post, at least from me, had no ill will towards you. I was continuing a discussion we were having. We can get a little emotional about politics, but this was the whole reason we put up this blog. To have people like us (the smart ones) discussing these issues and giving different issues than most of the talking heads on TV. I do hope you keep posting on here. If we just rant on without anyone either keeping us in check or throwing an argument our way, that just wouldn't be fun. POST ON!
Hey, Chach. I was just screwing with you. I like to mess with people who post anonymously. I knew it was you anyway. I want your opinion here. Feel free to cop an attitude while you're at it. It makes the whole thing more fun, in my opinion. I appreciate your posting here, and giving me material for the blog. For the record, mother jones sucks, and I'll never back down from that assertion. But you're always welcome here. And you can post whatever you like.
You get the picture, Chachi? I'm the asshole of the group. Don't let me discourage you from speaking you mind.
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