Thursday, August 03, 2006

Ahmadenijad: Not that bright.

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Is it just me, or does this guy have child molestor written all over him?

Diplomatic language from the cheeky Iranian President:

Mahmoud Ahmadenijad: "Although the main solution is for the elimination of the Zionist regime, at this stage an immediate cease-fire must be implemented."

Did you get that? An immediate ceasefire between Israel and Lebanon must be implemented, but the only way to achieve a peaceful outcome is for Israel to be destroyed. Sounds reasonable enough. I suppose we could call it the 2006 Roadmap to Peace! Israel may take issue with it, but I'm sure it will get ringing endorsement from the UN. But then again, it seems that that's been their official policy for some time now. Sit back and watch while terrorists attack Israel. Then when Israel fights back, condemn them for their disproportionate response.

What Mahmoud the grinning jackass doesn't seem to realize is that Israel has the most powerful military in the middle east. Some camel humpers with rockets killing a handfew of people here and there hardly matches the military might of the Israelis. I predict that this will continue to be a one-sided conflict until Lebanon and Hezbollah either give in to Israel's demands, or quite frankly die. And I have no sympathy for the Lebanese government, because they got themselves into this mess.

1 comment:

Chauncy Biggins said...

It's kind of upsetting coming back to this post. My predictions were untrue, of course. And now that the gansters have been catapulted back into the majority by a wave of ignorance, I'm sure old Mahmoud is laughing his ass off.