Tuesday, June 21, 2005

ACLU Says Bush Is Restricting Science

Just what purpose is the ACLU intended to serve? I found this story on Yahoo to be very illuminating. Now the ACLU, or American Commie Liberals Union, is charging that the Bush Administration is suppressing science.

The administration "has sought to impose growing restrictions on the free flow of scientific information, unreasonable barriers on the use of scientific materials and increased monitoring of and restrictions on foreign university students," the ACLU said.

Apparently, the ACLU doesn't understand why we should be concerned with foreigners getting access to classified materials. It's not like we're in a war with terrorists or anything! Now here's the part where they really show their true colors:

And the ACLU charged the administration with trying to suppress information on such topics as global warming, mercury emissions and emergency contraception.

Is the ACLU here to defend civil liberties, or are they just another mouthpiece of the Democratic Party?

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