Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Al-Qaida Announces Iraqi Suicide Squad

The eternally image-conscious Al-Qaeda has announced the formation of an all-Iraqi suicide squad. According to this AP story, it was to deflect criticism that most suicide bombers are foreigners. Apparently, they think they'll meet Allah if they give their lives to kill their own people. It would be poetic justice if they did get to go to heaven, but in tiny little pieces. I can't help but be reminded of the Judean People's Front crack suicide squad in The Life of Brian.

"We are the Judean People's Front crack suicide squad. Attack, Attack, Attack!"

"That showed 'em, huh?"

1 comment:

Danbo Jones said...

Oh wait, I didn't see this for a while. Osama Bin Laden ADMITTED that they have to FORM an all-Iraqi suicide squad? So that means that we've been right? That most of these attackers HAVE been foreigners? There ISN'T an all-Iraqi suicide squad now? They only have enough volunteers for ONE SQUAD!?!?!?!