Friday, June 17, 2005

Groups Unite Against Military Recruiters

A bunch of liberal parents at a school in Philadelphia are pissed off because their school gave their contact information to military recruiters. They think the military unfairly targets minority communities in what some consider a "defacto draft." Frankly, I find the whole idea rather absurd. They always bitch about how the military always sends the poor and the minorities. Well tell me something. If the military set up recruitment offices in Beverly Hills, do you think they'd get very many recruits? The military is going to target the demographics that yield the most recruits. They're going to go where they can get people to sign up. It's simple marketing, and recruiters don't care what color you are, or what your social status is. All they care about is getting you to sign. And why do these parents object to their children being presented with the option of military recruitment? They don't want them to hear from people with views that disagree with them? Are they trying to limit the military recruiters' freedom of speech?


Chauncy Biggins said...

Well, I hope you recover soon.

Chauncy Biggins said...

I went to this guy's blog. It's funny. He has a link to the democratic party website about two links down from the communist party website.
Also, I think his message is a result of some program that automatically crawls people's blogs looking for political content and posting that message. I've seen this message on other blogs from other people. It's a cheap, tawdry way to generate more hits. The work of a true limp-wristed, commie ass-hat.