Wednesday, March 30, 2005

Poll: No Nation Should Have Nuke Weapons

I don't argue that this wouldn't be nice. It would be a liberal's dream. Wars would be determined with millions of people fighting and dying on the battlefield once again, and I guess that's what liberals want. But sorry, pollsters. We live in the real world, and if we didn't have nukes, we wouldn't be the #1 superpower for long, for someone would be bound to use them on us. Who did they poll anyway?!?


Danbo Jones said...

ALSO, there is no mention of the exact questions that were asked in this poll. Most of the time, the story will print, "When asked..." and quote the question. This one did not. Probably a horribly loaded poll.

Anonymous said...

just some info from your friendly neighborhood chachi. here's the time just look a little bit harder ;) anyway, doesn't seem too loaded to me, but thats just my PROGRESSIVE perspective!

Anonymous said...

sorry for double posting, but also note how many people polled claim a religion and how many are from the south. this poll might have been called "only take this poll if you're a red-stater", so i don't think that arguing it has a liberal bias is relevant at all.

the chachi

Chauncy Biggins said...

Hey, just because a person is religious, doesn't make them a "red stater." You're showing your own type of bias. Also, how can you read anything into these polls? How many Americans were polled? I know they sure as hell didn't consult me! This is not an accurate way to guage americans opinions! What time of day was the poll taken. What state? All these things would affect the results.

Chauncy Biggins said...

I'll not apologize for double posting because it's my weblog. You were right, chachi. Danbo concluded that the poll was loaded without looking at the poll. But that doesn't change the fact that polls are crap. And Danbo has a good point. Were it not for nuclear weapons, the world would be a much more violent place. The reason we don't have pure democracy in this country is because the mob isn't always right! Sometimes popular opinion is dead wrong. Look at the issue of slavery, or the Nazi regime's treatment of the jews. Two examples of popular opinion being dangerously wrong. That's why I thank God we live in a democratic republic!