Thursday, May 05, 2005

Kofi Isn't Off the Hook Yet!

Good news from Newsmax!
According to Fox News reporter Jonathon Hunt, the congressional probe of the Oil-For-Food scandal has come into possession of some evidence that may prove embarrassing for Kofi Annan.

"One source close to the case told me that in those boxes is the ammunition to prove that Kofi Annan lied to investigators," Hunt told Fox News Radio host Tony Snow. "So this is a very dramatic development indeed."

Apparently, the documents were in the possession of UN investigator Robert Parton, who resigned two weeks ago. Congress has been trying to reach Parton and another investigator who resigned, Miranda Duncan. Paul Volcker, who runs the Oil-For-Food program, tried to block their testimony because of their diplomatic immunity. But Sen. Norm Coleman, chair of the Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations said he plans to subpoena them anyway, over Volcker's objections.
source: Newsmax

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