Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Rift over recruiting at public high schools

So a PTA at a highschool in Seattle doesn't want military recruiters there. Big surprise. If Communist China invaded the west coast, Seattle would be throwing them a ticker-tape parade to celebrate their liberation. I did, however find something worth commenting on in this news article.
At the last PTA meeting, one of the parents who was an attorney brought up the point that if they banned military recruiters, other PTA's could ban Planned Parenthood because of their views on abortion.

Steve Ludwig, whose son is a senior and whose daughter will enter as a freshman next fall, made a point shared by many in attendance: Garfield does not allow organizations that promote illegal activities to recruit students to perform those activities, nor does it allow organizations that discriminate on the basis of race, gender, national origin, or sexual orientation to recruit on campus.

"Planned Parenthood, as far as I know, does not advocate or perform illegal acts. The US military does," Mr. Ludwig continued. The soft-spoken carpenter said he would not object if Army representatives came to Garfield to debate their ideas on torture or aggressive war. "What I object to is their coming here to recruit students to perform those acts," he said. "It's not about free speech."

This is obviously a bullshit argument. It's just these leftist nutjobs' opinion that the war is illegal. If these retards had their way, it would be illegal to have a military. But let's humor their argument. Planned Parenthood doesn't promote illegal activity? Well what about when Life Dynamics, Inc. discovered that Planned Parenthood was covering up cases of child molestation? Doesn't that count as promoting illegal activity? But bringing that up was pointless, since only a liberal moon-bat would consider military recruitment a promotion of illegal activity.

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