Saturday, September 24, 2005
Watchblog out of Money
Amusing. I figured out what happened to Watchblog. They simply ran out of money. I did a search on them and found this dropcash page where they were begging for donations to keep their site up. Now I'll admit, my blog is hosted by Blogger, which is to the world of internet publishing what velveeta is to the world of cheese. But I still can't help but indulge in a little schadenfreude over the fact that they have so far, collected zilch. I guess nobody cares about your little "public service website." I guess if you want to go there and mess with them, you have to donate some money so they can get their site running again. Ha!
American Jurors Too Stupid to Convict Criminals!
It seems jurors these days are watching too much television. The "CSI Effect" is making it hard for prosecutors to convince juries, even in white-collar trials, without sophisticated forensic evidence, like they've seen on the popular television drama. Now this is pretty absurd. It's not like an accountant embezzling money is going to leave a body, or blood and semen samples for investigators to run through their various electronic doo-hickeys! Apparently the "CSI Effect" hurt a securites fraud case in Alabama against HealthSouth founder Richard Scrushy.
Alice Martin, the State Prosecutor for the Northern District of Alabama said,
"...Jurors in post-verdict interviews said "we needed a fingerprint on one of the documents or we needed him [Mr Scrushy] to say the word 'fraud' on the audiotape" that was secretly recorded by a former HealthSouth finance chief.
"They said, 'they always do fingerprints on TV'," Ms Martin said.
Now the one thing about the post verdict interview that I really take issue with, is the idea that he had to say the word 'fraud' on tape. Come on, people! How often will a person committing fraud actually say the word fraud while he's committing the crime? I can see it now.
Deep within the bowels of the secret headquarters of HealthSouth, Richard Scrushy and his cabal of co-conspirators plan their next caper...
Richard Scrushy: "Welcome to the fraud meeting, my fellow frauds."
Goon #1: "Yeah, boss! I can't wait to commit some fraud!"
Alice Martin, the State Prosecutor for the Northern District of Alabama said,
"...Jurors in post-verdict interviews said "we needed a fingerprint on one of the documents or we needed him [Mr Scrushy] to say the word 'fraud' on the audiotape" that was secretly recorded by a former HealthSouth finance chief.
"They said, 'they always do fingerprints on TV'," Ms Martin said.
Now the one thing about the post verdict interview that I really take issue with, is the idea that he had to say the word 'fraud' on tape. Come on, people! How often will a person committing fraud actually say the word fraud while he's committing the crime? I can see it now.
Deep within the bowels of the secret headquarters of HealthSouth, Richard Scrushy and his cabal of co-conspirators plan their next caper...
Richard Scrushy: "Welcome to the fraud meeting, my fellow frauds."
Goon #1: "Yeah, boss! I can't wait to commit some fraud!"
New Dispatch from Michael Yon
If you haven't heard of him, or read his work, I would highly recommend that you check him out. I've had a link to his site up for a while, and I've been an avid reader for several months. Michael Yon is a private journalist, operating out of his own pocket, who has been travelling with the 1st Battallion, 24th Infantry Regiment of the 1st Brigade 25th Infantry Division (Stryker Brigade Combat Team), or Deuce Four, if you're into the whole brevity thing. And I must say, it's some of the finest journalism I've seen coming out of this whole war. It's not political. Being a former Ranger himself, it's obvious that Michael is loyal to the men of Deuce Four, but he really does give an unflinching, real view of the way things are going in Mosul. In one incident, he actually picked up a rifle and tried to save an injured soldier! Lt. Colonel Erik Kurilla (a fucking hero, and a man's man if ever there was one) was shot several times right in front of him. The two Rangers in front of him froze, as if Superman had been gunned down right in front of them. So he picked up a rifle, and started shooting. He hit a propane tank and nearly killed everybody. He was, of course, reprimanded. They told him if he ever did that again, he'd be going home. But it just shows how deeply "embedded" Michael Yon is. Truly a must read for anyone interested in getting the real story.
Where's Watchblog?
I will admit, the managing Editor of Watchblog had me a little nervous. I'm relatively new to this whole blogging thing, and this took me off guard. And the day that I found out, I had been having a pretty bad day. Some bullshit collection agency called Ashwood Financial was calling up my mother and threatening to sue me (which is a violation of my privacy and federal statutes) over some bullshit from five years ago. Don't worry. I'll deal with them. I work in the industry and I know the law. They don't know who they're fucking with. But nonetheless, it was disquieting. On top of that, I'm getting married next month in Hawaii. I booked the whole package through Expedia, and about a month ago, I found out that ATA had cancelled the flight. I called Expedia. They called ATA, and ATA assured them that they would re-accommodate us, and that they would call back in two weeks. Once the two weeks were up, I called them back. They assured me that they were working on it, and they would call back in another two weeks. Two more weeks went by. I called them back, and they told me that it wasn't their problem, and I had to take it up with Expedia. I went ballistic. So I called Expedia, and explained the situation. The woman assured me that we would solve the issue, while I was on the phone. She said she needed to put me on hold while she called Northwest. So I sat on hold for 30 minutes. Periodically, she would come back to thank me for holding. Finally, I asked if I could put her on hold, as I had been on the phone for 2 hours and had to go to the bathroom. When I came back, the line was dead. I called back, got a different receptionist, and she said that according to her notes, they were issuing a full refund. I explained that we are getting married on the 10th, and I don't want a damn refund! I want to get down there! She explained that there was no legal way that they could get me another flight. Did you get that? This is a fucking travel agency! I told her fine! Just refund the tickets, and I'll swim if I have to! While I was on hold this time, I decided to check my email. That's when I got the email from the managing editor of watchblog. So it was just the icing on the cake. I was so emotionally exhausted, I nearly broke down and wept, right there at my desk. As for Expedia, I called back later in the evening and got it all straightened out. It turned out that the first two customer service representatives simply didn't want to help me. I guess they were too busy doing their nails, or something else much more important than their job. They've refunded the full ticket price, plus an extra $140, since it's going to be more expensive to book a flight so close to the date. It was an ordeal, but since they straightened it out in the end, I have to give them high marks. And as for watchblog, after some time to think it over, and some much appreciated support from Misha and the rest of the LC's and IB's at the Anti-Idiotarian Rottweiler, I realize that the managing editor of Watchblog is nothing more than a self-righteous douche-bag with delusions of grandeur. I tried to go back to watchblog to let them know I'm not afraid of them, but it seems that their site is down. Where'd they go? Perhaps the feds got sick and tired of being bothered by these half-wits and shut them down. Or maybe the managing editor is so sensitive to criticism, that he took his own life. Perhaps he committed hari kiri, and threw himself off the roof of the hippie commune where he resides. I'm still here, jackass. Where are you?
Friday, September 23, 2005
Chauncy Biggins in Dutch with the Fed?
Here's an update on the situation with me and Watchblog. I sent their editor two emails. The first, I no longer have a transcript. Basically, I told the editor to go fuck himself, and that I was going to use my blog to tear him down. Idle threats, really when you consider I have like maybe 3 readers. But I digress. I was angry. I felt that I was unjustly banned. I sent a second email, which I have the transcript for, and they replied, then I replied. Here they are in order of last to first:
What have I done that's against the law besides threatening to make angry posts against you on our blog and insult you? I know your kind as well. Juvenile, eh. I have seen multiple cases where you have selectively enforced your policy. It seems to me that your goal is to create an echo chamber where only one set of views gets put forward. I'm not sure what you got from my email that constitutes as illegal, unless telling you to go fuck yourself is illegal. I had no idea! And to suggest it's illegal to criticize you on my weblog, and insult your weblog, and to encourage others to do the same is pathetic! I'm going to post your reply on my weblog. That is the "flaming" I had in mind. At no time did I threaten some type of denial of service attack, or anything like that. That's not my style, and frankly I wouldn't know where to begin. It seems to me that if you have to run to the feds every time you get criticized, then perhaps you really are hiding something. Hmmmm? And various aliases? All I ever did was log onto a different computer and post comments. I never tried to claim I was someone else. I admitted who I was, gave my full name, and my email address. I've logged on under two ip's. I'd be interested in knowing how it is illegal to post on a public forum. I'd be interested in knowing how it is illegal to threaten a "flame war," which constitutes a series of angry and derrogatory posts between two weblogs. When I said tear you down, I meant destroy your credibility. Not your website. I'm no hacker. I'm no cracker. I'm just a guy who knows a little bit of html. Go ahead and contact the feds. I haven't done anything illegal! And if I have, I'd like you to forward me the section in the criminal code that shows such. I'm quite interested!
--- Editor wrote:
You are clearly the most juvenile visitor I have ever witnessed onWatchBlog. Go for it, bub, we have tracking and we have a link with theauthorities who have aided us with your type before who have to triedto bring down our public service website. And yes, the Feds do takethis kind of threat very seriously, they have proved it to us before,just a few months ago, in fact. Enjoy yourself while you can, as youremail and header info is forwarded along with everything else you haveposted since banned under your vairous aliases ...
Mad Matt wrote:
Looking back on the thread where you banned me, I'm more and more convinced that you selectively enforce your policy to prevent conservatives from commenting. Have you noticed that there aren't any conservatives commenting? It's because you ban them all! I understand what you're doing. You're not trying to put forward a conservative point of view. You're trying to discredit it! I'm a relatively small-time blogger, but I have friends that aren't. (another empty threat: who the hell do I know?) Prepare to be flamed, my friend.
Now readers. What do you think? I know you haven't seen the first email. But I assure you, at no time did I threaten bodily harm. At no point did I threaten to hack his site or anything like that. Have I done something illegal? Should I be thrown into the clink? Is criticism against the law? I certainly hope not, because I may get into trouble over this. Anyone with advice on this issue: I'd really appreciate your candor.
What have I done that's against the law besides threatening to make angry posts against you on our blog and insult you? I know your kind as well. Juvenile, eh. I have seen multiple cases where you have selectively enforced your policy. It seems to me that your goal is to create an echo chamber where only one set of views gets put forward. I'm not sure what you got from my email that constitutes as illegal, unless telling you to go fuck yourself is illegal. I had no idea! And to suggest it's illegal to criticize you on my weblog, and insult your weblog, and to encourage others to do the same is pathetic! I'm going to post your reply on my weblog. That is the "flaming" I had in mind. At no time did I threaten some type of denial of service attack, or anything like that. That's not my style, and frankly I wouldn't know where to begin. It seems to me that if you have to run to the feds every time you get criticized, then perhaps you really are hiding something. Hmmmm? And various aliases? All I ever did was log onto a different computer and post comments. I never tried to claim I was someone else. I admitted who I was, gave my full name, and my email address. I've logged on under two ip's. I'd be interested in knowing how it is illegal to post on a public forum. I'd be interested in knowing how it is illegal to threaten a "flame war," which constitutes a series of angry and derrogatory posts between two weblogs. When I said tear you down, I meant destroy your credibility. Not your website. I'm no hacker. I'm no cracker. I'm just a guy who knows a little bit of html. Go ahead and contact the feds. I haven't done anything illegal! And if I have, I'd like you to forward me the section in the criminal code that shows such. I'm quite interested!
--- Editor
You are clearly the most juvenile visitor I have ever witnessed onWatchBlog. Go for it, bub, we have tracking and we have a link with theauthorities who have aided us with your type before who have to triedto bring down our public service website. And yes, the Feds do takethis kind of threat very seriously, they have proved it to us before,just a few months ago, in fact. Enjoy yourself while you can, as youremail and header info is forwarded along with everything else you haveposted since banned under your vairous aliases ...
Mad Matt wrote:
Looking back on the thread where you banned me, I'm more and more convinced that you selectively enforce your policy to prevent conservatives from commenting. Have you noticed that there aren't any conservatives commenting? It's because you ban them all! I understand what you're doing. You're not trying to put forward a conservative point of view. You're trying to discredit it! I'm a relatively small-time blogger, but I have friends that aren't. (another empty threat: who the hell do I know?) Prepare to be flamed, my friend.
Now readers. What do you think? I know you haven't seen the first email. But I assure you, at no time did I threaten bodily harm. At no point did I threaten to hack his site or anything like that. Have I done something illegal? Should I be thrown into the clink? Is criticism against the law? I certainly hope not, because I may get into trouble over this. Anyone with advice on this issue: I'd really appreciate your candor.
Thursday, September 22, 2005
Watchblog can suck my Wang!
Chauncy Biggins, the beloved editor of the Cult of 7G has been banned from posting comments on WatchBlog, a site that has a section devoted to Republicans and Conservatives. Oddly enough, the comment section is invariably an echo chamber for liberals. I always wondered why. But now I realize, that conservatives get banned from commenting there. They look for the slightest infraction to do this, ensuring that all you get is liberal viewpoints. Here's the thread where they banned me:
Shitty Ass Stupid Faggot Blog See, now that's name-calling. They accused me of attacking the messenger and not the message. I accuse them of selective enforcement. You decide for yourselves.
In closing, I'll say this to the managing editor of Watchblog. Fuck you, you pencil-dicked weasle piece of shit, and the horse you fucked on your way in!
Shitty Ass Stupid Faggot Blog See, now that's name-calling. They accused me of attacking the messenger and not the message. I accuse them of selective enforcement. You decide for yourselves.
In closing, I'll say this to the managing editor of Watchblog. Fuck you, you pencil-dicked weasle piece of shit, and the horse you fucked on your way in!
Sunday, September 04, 2005
Chief Justice Rehnquist Dies at His Home at 80
This man had plenty of history, not just voting to put President Bush in office and ruling over Bill Clinton's impeachment, but that's what we're going to be hearing about most.
Our prayers go to the family of the CJ.
Our prayers go to the family of the CJ.
Police Chief: 'Urban Warfare' Slowed New Orleans Rescue
This needs to be talked about quite a bit more, I would think.
Friday, September 02, 2005
Media Vultures
I've been periodically checking the news on television for the past few days. What do I see on every network? The same footage of the same malcontents getting interviewed by the same reporters. Over and over again. A man standing there, holding a baby saying, "No food, no water, no help!" People chanting, "Send help, send help, send help!" I'm left with a few questions and a few conclusions. First of all, the media are a bunch of opportunistic vultures. It's obvious what they're trying to do. They don't give a damn about these people. They just see an opportunity to use this against the president, by suggesting the fed "dropped the ball." Well, what the hell did the state of Louisiana do about it? Should the federal government be expected to do everything? They know they live in a bowl surrounded by water. Why didn't they start working on this problem years ago? Now is not the time for the blame game. Now is the time for action. Which is why other states are now mobilizing their national guard units to assist. Here in Muncie, our National Guard unit is preparing to go down and assist. I know that there are several other units from all over the country heading down. Our local Red Cross has already reported two Louisiana families that have checked in for assistance. All the way up here in Muncie, Indiana! I know it must be the same in other parts of the country! And that's not the only help we're sending. We've got twelve Delaware County sheriff's deputies on their way already, along with volunteers from our local red cross and Indiana Michigan power employees to assist with getting the power back on.
The people who are still there, mostly because the state officials didn't evacuate them all as they should have, should be patient, and do what they can for now until help gets to them! In this modern fast food culture, everybody wants it now, now, NOW!! Well, I sympathize with those people, and I understand what they're going through is horrendous. I'd be screaming bloody murder if I had to go through that as well. I'd be pretty salty. But my perspective would be biased by my emotional involvement. The drowning man thinks the rescue came late, no matter how soon it was. My point is, we're doing what we can. And I understand that people are upset. But the media is using this as political ammunition. They're doing everything they can to say this is Bush's fault. And I wonder, since I've been seeing the same footage, of the same complaining people, for the last two days, if those same people they keep showing have already been evacuated. Or perhaps they were some of the same folks that were looting, and are now angry that they don't have anywhere to stash their new microwaves and televisions. Perhaps I'm being too cynical. But one thing is certain. Those damned news reporters aren't helping anything. All they're doing is trying to profit off of people's misery! All these reporters they've sent down. What are they really doing to help? They've got helicopters. They've got satellites. They could be doing something besides sticking cameras in people's faces! Why don't they start moving people out with their helicopters and news vans? Why don't they help bring food and water? Would that violate their journalistic ethics and neutrality?
The people who are still there, mostly because the state officials didn't evacuate them all as they should have, should be patient, and do what they can for now until help gets to them! In this modern fast food culture, everybody wants it now, now, NOW!! Well, I sympathize with those people, and I understand what they're going through is horrendous. I'd be screaming bloody murder if I had to go through that as well. I'd be pretty salty. But my perspective would be biased by my emotional involvement. The drowning man thinks the rescue came late, no matter how soon it was. My point is, we're doing what we can. And I understand that people are upset. But the media is using this as political ammunition. They're doing everything they can to say this is Bush's fault. And I wonder, since I've been seeing the same footage, of the same complaining people, for the last two days, if those same people they keep showing have already been evacuated. Or perhaps they were some of the same folks that were looting, and are now angry that they don't have anywhere to stash their new microwaves and televisions. Perhaps I'm being too cynical. But one thing is certain. Those damned news reporters aren't helping anything. All they're doing is trying to profit off of people's misery! All these reporters they've sent down. What are they really doing to help? They've got helicopters. They've got satellites. They could be doing something besides sticking cameras in people's faces! Why don't they start moving people out with their helicopters and news vans? Why don't they help bring food and water? Would that violate their journalistic ethics and neutrality?
Thursday, September 01, 2005
Salvation Army
Now is an excellent time to donate to the Salvation Army. They have less overhead, and less bureaucratic bullshit, so more of your money will go to actually helping people.
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