Saturday, September 24, 2005

American Jurors Too Stupid to Convict Criminals!

It seems jurors these days are watching too much television. The "CSI Effect" is making it hard for prosecutors to convince juries, even in white-collar trials, without sophisticated forensic evidence, like they've seen on the popular television drama. Now this is pretty absurd. It's not like an accountant embezzling money is going to leave a body, or blood and semen samples for investigators to run through their various electronic doo-hickeys! Apparently the "CSI Effect" hurt a securites fraud case in Alabama against HealthSouth founder Richard Scrushy.

Alice Martin, the State Prosecutor for the Northern District of Alabama said,
"...Jurors in post-verdict interviews said "we needed a fingerprint on one of the documents or we needed him [Mr Scrushy] to say the word 'fraud' on the audiotape" that was secretly recorded by a former HealthSouth finance chief.

"They said, 'they always do fingerprints on TV'," Ms Martin said.

Now the one thing about the post verdict interview that I really take issue with, is the idea that he had to say the word 'fraud' on tape. Come on, people! How often will a person committing fraud actually say the word fraud while he's committing the crime? I can see it now.

Deep within the bowels of the secret headquarters of HealthSouth, Richard Scrushy and his cabal of co-conspirators plan their next caper...

Richard Scrushy: "Welcome to the fraud meeting, my fellow frauds."

Goon #1: "Yeah, boss! I can't wait to commit some fraud!"


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