Friday, September 23, 2005

Chauncy Biggins in Dutch with the Fed?

Here's an update on the situation with me and Watchblog. I sent their editor two emails. The first, I no longer have a transcript. Basically, I told the editor to go fuck himself, and that I was going to use my blog to tear him down. Idle threats, really when you consider I have like maybe 3 readers. But I digress. I was angry. I felt that I was unjustly banned. I sent a second email, which I have the transcript for, and they replied, then I replied. Here they are in order of last to first:

What have I done that's against the law besides threatening to make angry posts against you on our blog and insult you? I know your kind as well. Juvenile, eh. I have seen multiple cases where you have selectively enforced your policy. It seems to me that your goal is to create an echo chamber where only one set of views gets put forward. I'm not sure what you got from my email that constitutes as illegal, unless telling you to go fuck yourself is illegal. I had no idea! And to suggest it's illegal to criticize you on my weblog, and insult your weblog, and to encourage others to do the same is pathetic! I'm going to post your reply on my weblog. That is the "flaming" I had in mind. At no time did I threaten some type of denial of service attack, or anything like that. That's not my style, and frankly I wouldn't know where to begin. It seems to me that if you have to run to the feds every time you get criticized, then perhaps you really are hiding something. Hmmmm? And various aliases? All I ever did was log onto a different computer and post comments. I never tried to claim I was someone else. I admitted who I was, gave my full name, and my email address. I've logged on under two ip's. I'd be interested in knowing how it is illegal to post on a public forum. I'd be interested in knowing how it is illegal to threaten a "flame war," which constitutes a series of angry and derrogatory posts between two weblogs. When I said tear you down, I meant destroy your credibility. Not your website. I'm no hacker. I'm no cracker. I'm just a guy who knows a little bit of html. Go ahead and contact the feds. I haven't done anything illegal! And if I have, I'd like you to forward me the section in the criminal code that shows such. I'm quite interested!

--- Editor wrote:

You are clearly the most juvenile visitor I have ever witnessed onWatchBlog. Go for it, bub, we have tracking and we have a link with theauthorities who have aided us with your type before who have to triedto bring down our public service website. And yes, the Feds do takethis kind of threat very seriously, they have proved it to us before,just a few months ago, in fact. Enjoy yourself while you can, as youremail and header info is forwarded along with everything else you haveposted since banned under your vairous aliases ...

Mad Matt wrote:
Looking back on the thread where you banned me, I'm more and more convinced that you selectively enforce your policy to prevent conservatives from commenting. Have you noticed that there aren't any conservatives commenting? It's because you ban them all! I understand what you're doing. You're not trying to put forward a conservative point of view. You're trying to discredit it! I'm a relatively small-time blogger, but I have friends that aren't. (another empty threat: who the hell do I know?) Prepare to be flamed, my friend.

Now readers. What do you think? I know you haven't seen the first email. But I assure you, at no time did I threaten bodily harm. At no point did I threaten to hack his site or anything like that. Have I done something illegal? Should I be thrown into the clink? Is criticism against the law? I certainly hope not, because I may get into trouble over this. Anyone with advice on this issue: I'd really appreciate your candor.


Anonymous said...

what a liberal pussmo you are

Anonymous said...

what a liberal pussmo you are

Anonymous said...

You are cool, man. They got nuthin', and if they keep bugging the Feds with chicken little strories, it'll be a long time before the agency(ies) take them seriously again - if they ever really did.

You can easily get banned from just about any lefty site by admitting you bought a pair of socks at wal-mart.

Anonymous said...

What if I go to that site and tell them I bought an eeeviiiiil gun at Wal-Mart?

Naahh, don't want to update their hit counter.

Orion said...

Wow. What a liberal DORK.

I wonder if I call him a limp-dick if he'll sick the feds on me - it IS a statement of fact, and I can prove it any court of law...


Anonymous said...

Har de har har.

Look, I run dozens of sites, some of them controversial (no, NOT the one linked here). I get threats of "the authorities" all the time. Feh. It's sort of like a frog puffing up to make himself more scary to the big bad hawk about to eat 'im. Don't worry about it.

Chauncy Biggins said...

I must say, I appreciate the show of support from the Rott. As for Anonymous, what the hell ever gave you the idea that I was a liberal. Granted, I'm not exactly a member of the christian coalition, but I sure as hell ain't no "progressive." I believe in the old adage of "If it ain't broke, don't fix it." Or more correctly, "If it's broke, but the fed will make it even worse, then I'll deal with it being broke." So to speak.

Chauncy Biggins said...

Oh, and Mark:

I resent that remark about frogs. The only time I ever puff myself up is when I'm ready to kick some ass!