Tuesday, March 29, 2005

Support ANWR drilling – Save wildlife habitats

Environmentalists are retarded. Here's an editorial by Paul Driessen that elaborates that point. Most astonishing to me is the idea that wind power is more destructive to the environment than gas power.

Driessen: "On ecological grounds, wind power fails even more miserably.

A single 555-megawatt gas-fired power plant on 15 acres generates more electricity each year than do all 13,000 of California’s wind turbines – which dominate 106,000 acres of once-scenic hill country. They kill some 10,000 eagles, hawks, other birds and bats every year.

On West Virginia’s Backbone Mountain, 44 turbines killed numerous birds and 2,000 bats in 2003 – and promoters want many more towers along this major migratory route over the Allegheny Front. Bat Conservation International and local politicians are livid.

In Wisconsin, anti-oil groups support building 133 gigantic Cuisinarts on 32,000 acres (16 times the ANWR operations area) near Horicon Marsh. This magnificent wetland is home to millions of geese, ducks and other migratory birds, and just miles from an abandoned mine that houses 140,000 bats. At 390 feet in height, the turbines tower over the Statue of Liberty (305 feet), US capitol (287 feet) and Arctic oil production facilities (50 feet).

All these turbines would produce about as much power as Fairfax County, Virginia gets from one facility that burns garbage to generate electricity. But they’d likely crank out an amazing amount of goose liver paté."

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